Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Evaluation of Death of a Salesman by Arthur...
Evaluation of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller The play was written by Arthur Miller who was born in Manhattan in 1915 by Jewish immigrant parents. He witnessed the depression and the failing of his fathers businesses. He went to college at the University of Michigan well he wrote and worked with plays. He wrote Death of a Salesman in 1948 in a small Connecticut studio. The play took place in the great depression where a struggling business man tried to provide for his family. He has been working for years and is becoming very tired and crazy. He dies a sudden death in the end and he never completes the dream he wanted to as a salesman. As soon as the play starts you get a feel for what the play is going to be like. Its†¦show more content†¦To live the American dream was very hard then and is becoming very hard now we can all relate to that. We try to be well like, have a good personality, and want good modern things American life offers us but some fail just lik e Willy. He doesn’t have a good personality its gritty you can see this when he called Bernard a nerd and also says, â€Å"Bernard is not well liked is he?†(line 481). This lets you know how he feels about him and this happens in everyday society because he is smart people called them geeks but they are the ones who will be successful in life. Betrayal is also a big issue in the story. Willy feels betrayed by Biff because he is not going to be a business man like his father. Biff can’t find his way in life. Everyone at my age can relate to that. Fathers and mothers have expectations for us and want us to follow in their footsteps when it is truly not what we want. We strive to figure out what we want to do and receive from life just as Biff did all through the play. He is a character of importance that everyone can relate to. He is much different that Happy who is big in the business world like his father and for that he is admired more than Biff is. But you see inside Happy is not as happy as it appears he is lonely and has betrayed so many people as stated, â€Å"I went and ruined her, and furthermore I can’t get rid ofShow MoreRelatedarthur miller1937 Words  | 8 PagesWorld War II, American theater was transformed by the work of playwright Arthur Miller. Profoundly influenced by the Depression and the war that immediately followed it, Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche. His probing dramas proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times, allowing people an honest view of the direction the country had taken. Arthur Miller was born in Manhattan in 1915 to Jewish immigrant parents. By 1928, theRead MoreWhat Do the Flashbacks Sequences in ‘Death of a Salesman’ Contribute to Our Understanding of Willy Loman’s Character?1459 Words  | 6 PagesThe word expressionist has been applied to Arthur Miller as a playwright. 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