Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Heat Capacity Worked Example Problem
Heat Capacity Worked Example Problem  Heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to change the temperature of a substance. This example problem demonstrates how to calculate heat capacity. Problem: Heat Capacity of Water from Freezing to Boiling Point What is the heat in joules required to raise the temperature of 25 grams of water from 0 C to 100 C? What is the heat in calories? Useful information: specific heat of water 4.18 J/g ·Ã‚ °CSolution: Part I Use the formula q mcÃŽâ€Twhereq heat energym massc specific heatÃŽâ€T change in temperatureq (25 g)x(4.18 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)[(100 C - 0 C)]q (25 g)x(4.18 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)x(100 C)q 10450 JPart II4.18 J 1 caloriex calories 10450 J x (1 cal/4.18 J)x calories 10450/4.18 caloriesx calories 2500 caloriesAnswer:10450 J or 2500 calories of heat energy are required to raise the temperature of 25 grams of water from 0 C to 100 C. Tips for Success The most common mistake people make with this calculation is using incorrect units. Make certain temperatures are in Celsius. Convert kilograms to grams.Be mindful of significant figures, particularly when working problems for homework or an exam.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Most popular places across the globe
Most popular places across the globe 6 most visited countries in the world You can be a fan of man-made wonders and love nature from the distance, but you will certainly take these sights into account next time you are planning your journey abroad. With powerful economics and growing tourist sector, they are sure to remain major visiting spots anytime you book a ticket. Thailand. Crystal clear water, sandy beaches and palm trees make Thailand a delectable destination for tourists, who are looking for some kind of adventure. Temples of ancient Hindu and Buddhist gods are everywhere, and you can get your fair share of spiritual experience by visiting one of the local museums and archeological sites. What is more, Thai people are usually very generous and welcoming towards visitors, flooding their country annually, and the main sites will expect more than 100 million tourists the next year. United Kingdom. Despite political inconveniences that have been occurring in the capital of the UK lately and have caused major backlash from the country’s leading parties, London still remains one of the most visited cities in the world. Its multinational community, combined with eccentric British taste, won’t leave you cold, and the rainy local weather will remind you of the days when Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his masterpieces. The old school style and thriving night life make the country a hot spot for tourists, who are looking for a good adventure and a touch of history. Germany. Apart from being loved by its own people, Germany attracts millions of tourists every year. Some say the reasons are simple: it is not only an affordable destination, but also one of the safest. Germany has the lowest criminal rate among European countries and can boast employment opportunities for students, who want to combine profit and leisure. Foreigners love the country for its natural resources as well, distinguishing protected areas like the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park and the Jasmund National Park. Italy. Many people confess they dream of visiting Italy on a daily basis. With its renowned Mediterranean cuisine and lazy, laid-back Southern lifestyle, this country steadily becomes one of the most desirable in terms of tourism. For those, who would like to bathe in the sun and listen to the waves, crashing on the shore, Italy will be undoubtedly a holiday destination of a century. Luxurious hotels and historical sites in cities like Florence, Venice and Milan have a culture of their own and welcome visitors from around the world. If you are in love with the Renaissance period and art history, you will be delighted to explore the sights that include Colosseum and Roman Forum. Moreover, a guide will always be near to show you around, and even if you do not speak the language, locals are normally friendly towards foreigners. China. You may have heard about the Great Wall of China, but do you know there is a lot more to this country than meets the eye? Other fantastic destinations include the Shaolin Temple, the Huangguoshu Waterfall and the Forbidden City, a romantic and ghostly spot right in the middle of the country, where east and west meet. We cannot speak for all the tourists across the globe, but the majority of those, who ever visited China, said it was the most groundbreaking experience of their lifetime. Not only does this country preserve old traditions and honors the gods of their ancestors, it also resembles a perfect mixture of ancient and contemporary, a combination, thrilling for any traveler with experience. United States. On a global scale, the USA stands second to none in terms of tourism and tourist attractions. Its main destinations are the Grand Canyon, Hawaiian beaches and lagoons with crystal clear water. Educational tourism is a main source of income in more than thirty states, and Hawaiian summers bring millions of dollars to the national treasury. With this number steadily growing, America can be proudly named one of the most popular countries for travelers and adventure-seekers across the globe.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nursing and Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nursing and Leadership - Assignment Example Despite that, there are a few challenges which are faced in the department. The interviewed Director of Nursing (DON) stated that the lack of LTC taught courses/classes to new graduate students is one of the challenges that they do face and that has to be resolved with immediate effect. This is due to the fact that the ratio of individuals at the centre who need LTC is higher than the staffs that are available to offer it. As a result, some inconveniences and hitches do occur while propagating for effective LTC. In a bid to counter the LTC problem, the leadership that is prevalent in the nursing department matters a lot. If the leadership is based on morale and productivity, then that will yield success in offering LTC to patients else more challenges are prone to be faced on a daily basis. With that, there are a number of leadership styles that can be practiced in the nursing department. However, these depend entirely on variables such as people and the environment. Some of the lead ership styles include: Democratic: This is one of the best leadership styles that a nursing department can incorporate. It advocates for the inclusion of the nurses in the decision making process. This makes them feel motivated as well as part and parcel of the health care facility committee. However, the senior nurse makes the final decisions; Authoritative: This style of leadership is stricter as compared to the democratic leadership style. The senior nurse makes all the decisions without the inclusion of the other nurses. Additionally, the senior nurse gives orders to be done and there is very close supervision of the nurses in the department. This is not the best approach to implement in a nursing environment. The nurses may feel de-motivated, neglected and they may lack innovation in their line of work; Affiliative: This leadership style is focussed on people (nurses). It ensures that the nurses have a satisfactory working environment so that they can deliver superior care serv ices to patients. This style is best to boost morale in the nurses. However, the senior nurse may lack their authoritative figure. Based on the response of the DON, the most effective and efficient leadership styles that ought to be incorporated are the democratic and affiliative leadership styles. In a bid to support this, Goleman (2000) suggested that leaders should incorporate a variety of leadership styles and focus on those that are fruitful. Some of the leadership skills that go hand in hand with good leadership styles include: Interpersonal skills - Which incorporate the aspects of managing the different and unique cultural diversities in the department. It is important for a leader to have the right knowledge while dealing with different cultures since a health care centre is a home to all types of people regardless of their ethnicity background; Democratic skills; Listening skills, Problem solving skills – Which help to solve problems without encountering big risks, Time management skills and Motivational skills. If a leader has a number of the mentioned skills,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Do Student-Athletes in College Look At Their Coaches As Parent Figure Research Proposal
Do Student-Athletes in College Look At Their Coaches As Parent Figure - Research Proposal Example As the paper discusses with many of research studies in the theme of relationship between a coach and the athletic students in schools focusing on the leadership attributes and the moral and ethical relations, few studies have focused on the acceptable mode of handling the athletes by the coaches. With such perceptions as have been shown to hold in people’s views concerning the way that coach-student relationship should be, there lacks a standard tool on which the interactions and attitudes towards each other should be understood. There exists a gap in literature on whether students perceive their coaches as parent figures or not and what would be the factors that influence such perceptions. The lack of such literature from past studies and related academic materials shows the necessity to have a structured study into the theme in order to shape future studies and understanding of the theme. This study is aimed at establishing a qualitative justification through research study on whether the athletic students in colleges perceive their coaches as parents or not. This study is aimed at establishing whether student-athletes perceive their coaches as parents or otherwise through a qualitative analysis of the opinions by the athletes. The study is also focused on bridging the gap that currently exists between the literatures on student coach perceptions especially in the athletics and contribute towards shaping future research studies in the theme.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem Essay Example for Free
Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem Essay Following the Geneva conference in1954, an agreement was signed to end the First Indochina war. The agreements also lead to the temporary division of the Democratic of Vietnam into two sub- countries separated along the Laotian border next to the 17th parallel. To the north was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and its capital in Hanoi and to the south was the Republic of Vietnam and its capital was in Saigon. The leader of the north was Ho Chi Minh and the south was lead by Ngo Dihn Diem. The two leaders possess different skills and ideologies, however with the common target of uniting Vietnam, leading it to freedom. In this paper, an evaluation of the two leaders basing on the context of the Vietnam society will be made, about their leadership styles that lead them to win the hearts and minds of their subjects and consequently support for their initiatives (Schandler, 2009). Ho Chi Minh is a political genius. He fools the people of Vietnam to support his cause through propaganda, terror and betraying even his close friends to form the Communist movement in Vietnam. He even tricks the patriotic solders and makes them to rebel, thinking that they are doing it for the benefit of Vietnam. A good example is the Hue Massacre in 1968. They seize the city of central Vietnam, killing thousands of innocent people, due to them inhabiting the southern Vietnam (Moss, 1990). Even though he commits all these, he is capable of creating good impression to the people of Vietnam and the whole world at large. He manages to mobilize the people in the west through his propagandas. As a result, the person protests the south and praised the north. They are not able to discover his ill motives, but mistook him as good leader with good morals vision (Catino, 2010). He is deceptive and canning. He always wore a smiley face that could easily deceive the masses to think that he has the interest of Vietnam in his mind. He even insinuates that is major aim is to free the people of Vietnam from the colonial chains of The French. However, his only major aim is to liberate t he nation and leads it to prosperity and development. In 1945, when he returns to Vietnam, he is chosen to lead Viet Minh. Here he convinces many of the leaders by claiming that it is the revolutionary group whose intention is to end the French invaders. He has massive support, and when they win the French at Dien Binh in 1954, Ho Chi Minh is accorded all the praises and seen as a hero (Catino, 2010). Ngo Dinh Diem portrays himself as an honest and courageous leader. He shows his prowess in blocking the French from dominating his homeland. Ngo is equipped with genuine liabilities and his political base is developed through his own family that has high esteem and reputation (Moss, 1990). Also, Ngo Dinh Diem having stayed in the US, has gained him personality and experience from the influential politicians and reputable church leaders like senator Mike Mansfield and the cardinal of catholic church by the name Francis Spellman. This has made him the prime minister and also enjoys the massive support from the Vietnamese people (Moss, 1990). Ngo Dinh Diem is a determined and hardworking leader. He is very muc h focused in closely working with The United States military to in building the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. The chief reason for this is to create a strong defense at the northern border, against the inversion North Vietnamese. Initiating the creation of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) in 1963 and also providing the United States for the South Vietnamese is a good indication of his effort and hard work (Moss, 1990). Although he is challenged with the political instability, his determination won the hearts of many people in not only the Southern Vietnam and the entire Vietnam community. Personal leadership was a major factor in reuniting the country following the war. Ngo Dinh Diem and Ho Chi Minh were able to achieve growth and transformational processes as indicated by the conscious decisions they made in uniting the country (Schandler, 2009). Through personal change the leaders played a major role in developing and ensuring an enlightened life that was more meaningful, full of self-awareness, purpose-driven as well as being socially responsible. Overall the leaders embraced vital lessons of personal leadership, which inspired the people to have deep reflection and indoctrination of positive aspects into everyday lives. The personal leadership had positive transformation of the Vietnamese society and had positive implications on the world around (Moss, 1990). It is clear from the discussion above that various skills and ideologies of the two discussed leaders contributed greatly to the reunion of Vietnam. Though their policies differed, their creativity and diligent leadership styles won the hearts of Vietnamese people, and the entire Continent of Asia. The Vietnamese embraced their leadership and consequently support for their leadership initiatives. They maintained political stability and achieved their dream of uniting the people of Vietnam (Catino, 2010). References Catino, M. S. (2010). Peaceful ActivitiesNorth VietnamsInverson of the South. The Aggressors: Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam, and the Communist Bloc (p. 86 87). WashingtonD.C: Dog Ear Publishing, . Moss, G. (1990). America’s Diem Experiment The Formation of Seato, . Vietnam, an American ordeal (6th edition ed., p. 24). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Schandler, H. Y. (2009). The enemy. America in Vietnam: the war that couldnt be won (p. 14). Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield Publishers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Interracial America :: Racial Relations, People of Color, Asians
Lakshmi Chaundhry is a senior editor of AlterNet, an independent, alternative online news magazine. He thinks that people of different races falling in love, is a â€Å"luxury we can’t afford.†(158) Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan a contributing writer for New York Times Magazine and senior editor of the New Republic thinks that interracial marriages break barriers and make people happier which in turn makes them more successful. Sullivan thinks, â€Å"If the rate of inter-racial marriages increases, the next generation may well not identify as ‘black’ or ‘white’ at all.†(158) â€Å"To avoid frustration, self-loathing, and anger, people of color should be discouraged from entering interracial romantic relationships,†claims Chaundry.(158) Chaundry suggests that people should stay away from interracial relationships. One of his main reasons is because not everyone will have someone. He feels that everyone picks and chooses. Chaundry states that it’s a â€Å"racial hierarchy.†â€Å"Anglos squarely are at the top.†(159) The Anglos determine who is hot and who is not. One of his arguments is about Asians. â€Å"Asians just don’t cut the list,†states Chaundry. (159) There will be no women for the Asian guy. â€Å"’We’re at the bottom of the pile, right along with black women.’†(159) Even Hollywood shows this. â€Å"In ‘Shanghai Knights,’ actress Fann Wong is matched with Owen Wilson instead of Jackie Chan, who is conveniently cast as her brother.†(159) Hollywood is send ing the message that Asian men are not wanted. â€Å"No women for the Asian guy.†(159) This affects the life of people. Henry says, â€Å"’It means a lot of loneliness, a lot of Friday nights without a date.’†(159) Being lonely leads these men to have â€Å"’an obsession with pornography.’†(160) Not having anyone for them affects the lives of these Asian men. On the contrary, â€Å"Asian women have a better shot at getting some white booty.†(160) This is called a â€Å"cultural leverage.†(160). A cultural leverage is when one sex isn’t really accepted culturally but the other sex can get anyone they desire. The Asian woman has more sexual options. The Asian man is limited to very few choices. â€Å"The men in my community want the right to do the same.†(160) This is a problem that the Asian man faces according to Chaudhry and her resources. â€Å"I spent my teen years falling in and out of love with a number of seriously cute Indian boys.†(161) She grew up in Indian where she refers to it as â€Å"[having] harsher realities of race.†(161) When she moved back to America she was judged by a white person for her marriage.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Advocacy in Human Services Essay
Under the Rainbow Inc. began when a group of four socially conscious people discovered a dire need for quality, unbiased welfare support without prejudice or borders and became an ‘incorporated association’ in February 2007. Since its inception, Under the Rainbow Inc. has been committed to excellence in the delivery of social welfare services based on their principles of charity, care and compassion. A range of services designed to promote independence and to enhance quality of life are provided by Under the Rainbow, all of which encompass care and support of local community members, in particular those who require relief from poverty and/or the dependents of any such persons. Advocacy is the primary role of case managers’ who volunteer at Under The Rainbow and in this human service setting and any other it is essential for services to be provided accurately. This essay will define advocacy in a human services context as well as discuss the type of advocacy that is beneficial to clients in this chosen human service setting. In conclusion, this essay will also describe issues that Under The Rainbow have encountered whilst implementing advocacy and change and the way the current political climate can effect their ability to engage in advocacy and deliver quality human services. Whilst the definition of advocacy in general is broad, in human service and social work practice advocacy is essentially the process of protecting human rights or to change discriminatory or abusive treatment to the vulnerable, whether working with an individual or a group (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 1998). Human service workers all act as advocates in the course of their work (Sorensen and Black, 2001) and the Australian Association of Social Workers ‘Code of Ethics’ (2002) supports this view citing, ‘The social worker will advocate for changes in policy, service delivery and social conditions which enhance the opportunities for those most vulnerable in the community’ however Forbat and Atkinson (2005) argue that advocacy is ‘not social work, but its principles and values resonate closely’. Regardless of ones definition, the ‘key concept’ in the notion of any type of advocacy, is that it requires at least three parties: the client, the advocate and ‘the other side’ (School of Health and Human Services, 2007). Literature suggests that the differing types of advocacy seem as broad as its definition and a number of different types of advocacy exist, however within Under the Rainbow’s human service framework they are predominately concerned with ‘individual’ or ‘case’ advocacy. According to Hepworth & Larsen (1993), case advocacy is a way to ‘obtain resources or services for clients that would not otherwise be provided’ and this theory underlies Under the Rainbows belief that to advocate for a client is ‘to bring about some form of personal and/or social change’ (School of Health and Human Services, 2007). Under the Rainbow is a voluntary community based organisation which now boasts a membership of sixty-five individuals, many of whom work with clients as advocates for change. The goal for each volunteer who manages cases for Under the Rainbow is to promote fair, equal, and humane treatment through fundraising, charity provision (food and clothing), welfare work and social action against injustice for the disadvantaged. Under the Rainbow’s social work practice is mainly concerned with implementing changes in the local community to assist in poverty relief to predominately ‘voluntary’ clients (Barker, 1991), though some are referred. While the majority of Under the Rainbows’ charity work is concerned with ‘lending a hand’ materially and financially, they also work one-on-one with clients to determine why they ‘needed a hand’ in the first place and therefore consider both aspects of their human service delivery forms of ‘advocating’. However there is some argument as to whether charity and advocating is in fact the same thing. The assertion by L’Hirondelle (2002) that charity work ‘simply means offering one-on-one help without effort to give people the opportunity to participate in working with others to change their situation’ is challenged at Under the Rainbow who believe ’empowerment’ of a client is both valuable and essential. Individuals who seek help from Under the Rainbow often see themselves as ‘powerless’ and unable to make changes in their lives and sadly, those who are discriminated against, are often the most vulnerable. Under the Rainbow clients can be distinguished by many inequalities involving social issues in areas such as power, authority, and wealth, working and living conditions, health, lifestyle, gender, education, religion, and culture. Because the nature of Under the Rainbow is predominately a charity, they realise some of the clients who ask for welfare assistance will not want to be involved in any further actions for changing their situation and staff may only be required to ‘advocate’ once. However, they know from experience there are just as many of their clients who will want to get involved and connect with others in order to work together for social and personal ’empowerment’. To clarify empowerment further, Shulman (2005) states that the empowerment process involves ‘engaging the client, family, group, or community in developing strengths to personally and politically cope’ and a number of ’empowerment’ workshops and programmes covering issues such as budgeting, self-esteem and parenting are implemented at Under the Rainbow to facilitate this. Clients also often need help when dealing with other agencies and a Justice of the Peace service and help with letter writing, telephone and electronic correspondence is also offered. Often clients feel they have been treated unfairly by other advocacy and law agency’s and challenging another organisation’s reasoning, on a clients behalf or as an individual can be referred to as ‘persuasion advocacy’ (Reardon, 2001). Many times writing a letter or involving law enforcement agencies to negotiate a point has been successful for Under the Rainbow and their clients to further instil ’empowerment’. Therefore, Under the Rainbow staff believe offering an individual help, whether through the distribution of groceries or an activity similar to the ones discussed above, is seen as empowerment for social change. Under the Rainbow ‘advocate’ for and ’empower’ their clients, bringing people together where they are then able to take action to change their situation. Schneider & Lester (2001) include empowerment in their definition as part of the practice of advocacy and conclude that ‘this value is based on the belief that individuals have strengths to acquire knowledge, become assertive, and develop skills, and through social work advocacy, these strengths can be set in motion’. Vanessa, who has worked with Under the Rainbow for nine months states, ‘when I interview clients, I encourage and pay attention to the capable person I see in front of me. My focus as an advocate is never on their previous history, as there is nothing I can do personally to change it. The importance for me is what the client wants from life and how it can be achieved’ (Pers comm. 2/4/08). Whilst working as an advocate Vanessa does not expect nor require a client to self-disclose, however they usually do, which Vanessa defines as a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Respecting the privacy rights and confidentiality of Under the Rainbow’s clients is extremely important and they believe that excellent ethical conduct must be practiced in order to be a credible community advocate. Cultural, language, disability and other accommodations are also provided for. If personal conflicts of interest should occur the advocate will step aside and ask for help from another party. As Under the Rainbow is are self-regulating, ethical decision-making and the process of critical reflection, evaluation and judgment ‘through which a practitioner resolves ethical issues, problems and dilemmas’ (Trevino, 1986) is extremely important in both a personal and professional context. As well as individual and personal advocating, dissolving barriers and building a sense of community on a local level, Under The Rainbow promote ‘global consciousness’ and pride themselves on their broad worldview and high awareness of the inter-relatedness and sacredness of all living things. All Under the Rainbow Inc. members are active, both personally and professionally, in many social arenas confronting a broad range of social and political issues. Advocacy of this type, which refers to a connection with social movements’, is known as ‘activist’ or ’cause’ advocacy (Healy, 2000) and often involves ‘active criticism of or engagement with government policies and practices’ (School of Health and Human Services, 2007). Many members of Under the Rainbow have strong lobbying and media skills and some of their more prominent contributions and support include subscriptions and memberships to other advocacy groups and organisations such as New Internationalist Magazine, Bush Heritage Australia, Amnesty International and Greenpeace as well as Indigenous organisations, animal and environmental protection groups and interests in many other diverse global activist platforms. Under the Rainbow has also purchased and helped plant thousands of trees in South East Queensland through the Queensland Folk Federation at the Woodford Folk Festival site. Under the Rainbow is self-sufficient and as yet to receive any government funding. Relying on donations from its members and the general public to support their services is successful, but often unpredictable and can cause frustration when resources are limited. However, being an incorporated association means that Under the Rainbow is only accountable to themselves, their donors, members, clients and community. Not being affiliated with any government, church or social agency means they are not subject to any other types of accountability usually required under public auspice and this is preferable. Under the Rainbows projects, which are both broad and long-range, draw only on individual and group advocacy skills from its membership pool, preferring to remain exclusive and not out-source help from other agencies. In recent years, new set of ideas, such as advocacy, consumerism, empowerment, participation, and anti-discriminatory practices have all influenced social work practice and this has had an impact on social work values. This new set of ideas is referred to as ‘radical values’ (Adams et al, 2002) and are concerned with challenging oppression and discrimination, it is within this value system that Under the Rainbow continues to operate. Advocacy is essentially the process of standing up for the rights of others who are being unfairly treated (Sorenson and Black, 2001) and has the potential to bring significant and sustainable change for the better. It can empower individuals and communities and generate many resources whilst bringing diverse organisations together to work on common issues. Effective advocacy takes specific skills, commitment, effort, resources, perseverance, wisdom and collaboration all of which are faced by the Under the Rainbow volunteers on a daily basis. The case managers at Under the Rainbow realise they need to successfully master the skills needed to be an advocate, which takes time and experience. They are also aware that learning to be persuasive and using resources available to them will increase their level of competence and better assure a positive outcome for both themselves and their clients. I am proud to be a member of Under the Rainbow and my involvement in the challenging albeit very rewarding endeavours to facilitate advocacy for change in this small but powerful association. REFERENCE LIST Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M., (2002). Social Work, Themes, Issues and Critical Debates (2nd ed.), Palgrave, Basingstoke. Australian Association of Social Workers (2002), Code of Ethics, Retrieved April 2nd, 2008, AASW Website:, G., Corey, M., & Callanan, P., (1998). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, Brooks/Cole, USA. Forbat, L., & Atkinson, D., (2005). Advocacy in Practice: The Troubled Position of Advocates in Adult Services, British Journal of Social Work, 35:3, pp. 321-335Healy, K., (2000). Social Work Practices: Contemporary Perspectives on Change, Sage, London. Hepworth, D., & Larsen, J., (1993). Direct Social Work Practice: Theory andSkills (4th ed.) The Dorsey Press, Homewood, Illinois. Trevino, L.K., (1986). Ethical Decision making in Organizations: A Person-Situation Interactionist Model, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 601-617. L’Hirondelle, C., (2002), Characteristics of Remedial Work vs. Social Change, Retrieved April 4th 2008, Victorian Status of Women (SWAG) Website:, K.K., (1991), Persuasion in Practice, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California. Schneider, R.L., & Lester, L., (2001). ‘Advocacy: A New Definition’, Social Work Advocacy, Brooks/Cole Publishing, Pacific Grove: California. School of Health and Human Services, (2007). Study Guide: Advocacy and Change, Southern Cross University, Lismore. Shulman, L., (2005). Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities, Wadsworth Publishing Company, USA. Sorenson, H., & Black, L., (2001). Advocacy and Ageing, Australasian Journal on Aging, Vol. 20.3, Supplement 2, pp. 27-34.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Different kinds of management challenges Essay
1. Use the chapter material to decide what different kinds of management challenges Bob Iger faced as he took control of managing Walt Disney. Disney today under Bob Iger, who took over as chief executive in 2005, Disney is enjoying the remarkable and profitable run of hit TV programmes and films. However, there are many challenges he has faced since 2005 when he became president and chief executive officer of Disney, the world’s largest media conglomerate. When he took over Disney on 2005, he had to face economic problem which is really burden for a new manager like him. Before Bob Iger took over Disney, Disney’s interactive division is losing money and the film division has had some bombs. The speed of economic changes makes Disney management becomes more challenging. However, Bob Iger manage to pull out Disney from economic crisis after the messy governance struggle in 2005. Thanks to Bob Iger that we able to watch cartoon series and quality films now. Not quite with it, Bob Iger continues to face management problems. Iger took over the helm at Disney at a particularly challenging time, when the California-based media conglomerate was in the midst of a divisive battle that had pitted previous CEO Michael Eisner against Roy Disney, nephew of founder Walt Disney. Iger had worked for years under Eisner as the company’s chief operating officer and faced his own sceptics after taking over the company’s top post. As he runs the big business, he faced a big problem to find the right managers and leave them alone. Walking the tightrope between extending Disney’s brands and knowing when to leave well enough alone is a tricky challenge for him. When Iger took over the top job, his ability also despised by the board. The board looked at outsider before giving the CEO post to Iger because they underestimate iger’s ability to manage Disney well. Their perceptions changed suddenly when Iger showed up at his first board meeting with a plan to buy Pixar. Iger bravely came out with the idea to buy Pixar which is the company that had stolen the mantle of animation away from Disney. Iger came out with three ideas which is one to keep the status quo. The second was to find someone new to run the studio. The third was to buy Pixar. However, Iger onced again had to face problem when the price of Pixar was very expensive and he did not know if it was for sale or not. When Iger brokered a deal to buy Pixar in 2006, there was so much controversy. Bob Iger continue to encounter problems when the company is going to take a $200 million write-down on the film John Carter which is one of the most colossal bombs in movie history. Disney financial problems continue to face problems when in 2011, the studio business responsible for just 16% of Disney’s fiscal 2011 revenue and 7% of operating profits. This is another challenges that faced by Bob Iger while he manage Disney. Bob Iger also facing the problems when he announced that he would step down as CEO in March 2015 and stay as the chairman until June 2016. His resignation got oppose by many others people and many Disney watchers got surprised by that. Even though he brings many successful to Disney, it just nt easy as he had to face many problems and tricky challenges during his server with Disney.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
People Power Politica
People Power Politica Free Online Research Papers In the reading the â€Å"Radical Individualism†which is derived from the book the American Democratic in Peril the issue of individualism in the American tradition was discussed. The definition of individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses independence and self-reliance. This reading states that America unlike the majority of other nations is based on political ideas or as quoted in the reading â€Å"The America Creed†in others says that America is not held together by common backgrounds, ethnicities or religious beliefs but is bound by the symbolism and the impact of events that made America the nation it is. Almost like a pre established code. Prior historical events are the reason we interact and live in unisons like the things we fought for in this country. Politics, equality and individualism were major thing that people have been fighting for, for years in America and throughout the world. Many individuals stood and fought for many different things that they believed in, in America. Alexis de Tocqueville, who was a French derived political thinker and historian visited the United States and interpreted our way of life. In fact it was stated in the reading that he was the force behind the word individualism used to describe the domineers of the people in America. I find it very interesting that Tocqueville would come to America and analyze us as a people without seeing everyone in America. I also was impressed by the way he presented both sides of his story in depth. Tocqueville was amazed by what he had saw during his visit to America. I was also intrigued by the fact that he honestly felt that America would be doomed by radical individualism but at the same time liked the idea of individualism. He felt that people or individuals rather loved being individual because of the ideas of social class mobility, you could be what you wanted to be, there where no limitations, and the possibility of becoming very rich. This also was the reason that many immigrants migrated to America for the American dream in a sense. Immigrants felt that they could come to America and if they worked hard enough they could become wealthy. Every individual felt that they had there future in there own hand. With saying this Tocqueville feared for America as a successful democracy because he felt that an one individual would acquire and attitude that everything is their own. Tocqueville felt that individualism was every affect in democracy but if it was taken to far it woul d override democracy. He felt that the individual would turn into what he called â€Å"egoism†egoism is â€Å"a condition that leads a person to think of all things in terms of himself and to prefer himself to all†. He feared this would cause a disconnecting with society. I disagree with this because as individual as many people are when the same things affect a numerous amount of people they natural come together and it becomes a public issue not a private issue anymore and this brings upon interconnectedness. I feel that it isn’t realistic that an individual would be able to take over a whole state. The fact that he feels that a feeling or what he called â€Å"habits of the heart†which he states is â€Å"the unconscious feelings and attitudes, or the whole moral and intellectual state of the people†would be one of the main reasons that the American democracy would stand strong is very interesting to me. I was surprised that he didn’t think the social Research Papers on People Power Politica19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceBringing Democracy to AfricaQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenWhere Wild and West Meet
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why You Need Social Proof
Why You Need Social Proof It happened seven years ago, but Ive not forgotten the story. Famous violinist plays at public location on Stradivarius violin, barely anyone notices. A Stradivarius Violin. You think people would notice who was playing it. That wasnt the exact headline, but it could have been. The world-renowned violinist in question was Joshua Bell, and the location was the LEnfant Plaza Metro Station in Washington D.C. Bell stood, with his violin case open, and played some of the most difficult violin pieces without much reaction from anyone. As I read the 2007 article in The Washington Post about their experiment on whether people would react to Bell (whose concerts are far from free), I was frustrated. What is wrong with people? I thought. Why wouldnt people stop and listen? This isnt the first time where people have not noticed when something important was happening right in front of them. Most recently, graffiti artist Banksy set up a booth in New Yorks Central Park and sold paintings that would normally go for $31,000 for just $60. An unknown elderly man was in the booth to sell the paintings, and only three people ended up buying them. How do people miss out on recognizing a great musician or high-priced art like this? It has to do with social proof, and context. What Is Social Proof? A few months ago, a reader had pointed out that there werent a lot of comments on our blog. You need them for social proof! he said. While I enjoy seeing comments on our blog posts, it hadnt occurred to me there was a reason to want them beyond enjoying discussion. Was he right? Was a lack of comments a bigger problem? In Robert Cialdinis article Six Principles Of Influence (PDF), which covers techniques and qualities that people can use to convince other people to act in a certain way, social proof is number three on the list. Social proof is, quite simply, where you and I replicate the actions of those around us in the current situation, because we assume that is the correct behavior. 1. Social Proof Is A Shortcut If most people are doing something, we can rest assured that if we do the same we wont: Look stupid and stand out. Commit an unforgivable faux pas. Have to think if we should or shouldnt; the rest of the group did that thinking for us. Relying on social proof is easy in a day full of decisions to make. Are the rest of my co-workers staying late? Then I will. Did they leave early? Then I can, too. Social proof is a shortcut in the thought process. We dont have to think. The others already did (we assume). 2. Social Proof Is An Endorsement If I see a restaurant with many diners in it, I assume its a pretty good place to eat. If there is no one inside, then surely there must be something wrong with the place. I assume that other people know something that I dont know, and so I take their opinion on the restaurant–and how they vote with their feet–as the basis for my decision. When many people take part in something, it tells me that I ought to, too. I dont want to be left out (a huge fear for most people) and despite what my mother told me growing up (just because everyone is doing it doesnt mean you have to!), we are inclined to do what everyone else is doing. Social proof tells us what we out to do, because other people are doing so with apparent success and enjoyment. Social proof is using the crowd to convince others to join in.3. Social Proof Tells Me Right And Wrong Cialdini also talks about social proof in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, and he suggests that [o]ne means we use to determine what is correct is to find out what other people think is correctWe view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it (116). Remember, one of the reasons people share content on social media is to ask for help in understanding how they should feel about it. We take cues on how to think about something by observing how others think about it. Social proof is similar; what others do tells me whether something is right or wrong. Social proof lets us off the hook when it comes to what seems right and wrong. We go along with the crowd, who has decided that for us. From the 1963 film Lord of the Flies. Criterion Collection. Allowing social proof to determine right and wrong is not necessarily a good thing. Consider examples of crowds or businesses (or children, la Lord of the Flies) going off the rails and down the path of terrible ethics and actions. At the conclusion, we wonder how they could have veered so far off the path when all along they were using social proof as their guideline for what was acceptable. When the group around you has lower standards for what is right and wrong, it wont be long before you will, too. 4. Social Proof Works Best With Peers Its not necessarily any old crowd that can get us to do something. Sure, well take a strangers word for it when it comes to online reviews or whether or not theyre eating at a restaurant, but even then we put much more weight on the word of our peers. If five people ate at a restaurant? Interesting. If five friends did? Im sold. We listen to people on the same level as ourselves. Influence is often best exerted horizontally rather than vertically. – Robert B. Cialdini According to Cialdini, science supports what most sales professionals already know: Testimonials from satisfied customers work best when the satisfied customer and the prospective customer share similar circumstances. Well follow along with the crowd best if it is our crowd. The Herd Mentality Of Social Proof Painting of a buffalo jump by Alfred Jacob Miller, from Wikipedia. Social proof, as a reality of how groups of people act, is a bit disturbing. Near the farm where I grew up in northeast North Dakota, an elderly man collected rocks and other interesting finds hed come across on his land. I went to interview him for the newspaper that I was working for at the time, and spent several hours looking and listening to a fascinating history as seen through the eyes of geology. The best rock he saved for last. It was huge, and was outside in his flowerbed. Its surface was rough, except for one side which was polished smooth and shone in the sun. I found this near the buffalo jump, he said, gesturing to the rock as we stood in front of it. Theres a small one nearby. A buffalo jump? I asked. I wasnt sure what he meant. The Native Americans would drive a herd of buffalo over a cliff or into a ravine, he explained. The buffalo would tumble over the edge and be rendered immobile. They could then kill them easily. It was much more efficient. He described the buffalo jump hed found on his property, a ravine littered with bones that would frequently surface at spring thaw or with even mildly ambitious prodding around. He pointed to the rock, with its strangely smooth side. There were several of these rocks, lined up to the edge like the lines on the highway. These rocks helped them guide the buffalo to the correct area, and they were worn smooth from the animals rubbing against them. What does a buffalo jump have to do with social proof? We are the same as the buffalo, in a sense. We make decisions based on assumptions from the social cues around us rather than thinking. Im sure you believe you are above having a herd mentality, and that you make decisions based on careful thought, but the truth is that most of us dont. More often than not were functioning on default, i.e. not consciously deciding. We are letting other factors tell us how to decide, rather than thinking things through. The buffalo herd ran right off a cliff. Individually, they might not have, but as a large group in which all of the rest of the animals were doing it, they did, too. In other words, we follow crowds, and to the extremes. Why didnt people notice the violinist, or realize the art on the street was worth so much? Because no one else did. The musician and the art werent in the proper context (concert hall, gallery). No one made the connection. Even those who did think something worthwhile was happening convinced themselves they were wrong because no one else was reacting. Its the bizarre bystander effect, where the more people there are around, the less likely youll get help if you need it. Everyone can see theres something happening, but no one takes action until someone takes action which is a catch 22. How Do I Use Social Proof? As a content marketer, you need to know how to use your content to get people to act in a particular way. You need to find a way to tap into something that prompts them to listen to you, and using social proof is a way to do that without extensive work and effort. If you can get a few, you can get many, many more. You dont have to individually target all 100 people in a group. Just get 20, and the other 80 will follow. According to writer Aileen Lee, there are five kinds of social proof: Expert: Approval from credible experts. Celebrity: Approval from people we admire. User: Approval from people like me, doing what Im doing. Crowds: All of those people cant be wrong! Friends: Approval from those I trust. Each of these five types fits into the idea of how we listen to our peers. 1. Find The Right Spokesperson If you are trying to convince a group of teenagers that they shouldnt skateboard on your propertys concrete barriers, good luck. They probably wont listen. Youd be better off finding another teenage skateboarder that they respect to do the convincing. We listen to those we perceive as being on our same level. What is the audience you are trying to reach? Who is it made of? For , our audience includes people who use WordPress blogs, are serious about content marketing, and make heavy use of social media (or people who want to be like that). Finding regular people who are doing exactly that are more convincing as a spokesperson than all the slickest PR we might possibly generate, or having Huge Gigantic Corporation say I use . Its why we retweet comments on Twitter from users who are excited about , or why we share testimonials with photos and links. Were showing our audience that others, just like you, use and love . Find a spokesperson who has the same experiences and speaks the same language as your audience. 2. Capitalize On The Identity Your Audience Wants I am certainly not close friends with celebrities, but I might identify with them or something they represent. There is no other reason for me to listen to a famous person who is otherwise wholly removed from my life, other than I am attributing a quality or identity to them that I want, also.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Philosophy Inquiry Study Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Philosophy Inquiry Study Review - Assignment Example The study aimed at evaluating the existing differences in responses particularly from the black children as compared to the other children in the classrooms chosen for the study. This objective involved the role of questioning in socialization and language. Variation of questions was evaluated in proportion to other types of responses or utterances contained in the three circumstances, as well as the uses of different questions and the assumptions on the functions of questions as established by the author. The objective of the research work was to indicate verbal strategies, and how the resultant ethnographic data in the home and community settings could be applied in comparing the collected data in the functions of language studies carried out in the classrooms. The research involved collecting information beyond the confines of the classroom, i.e. the interactions at the children’s home and also the teachers’ homes. This provided the right criteria for effective schooling ethnography. The research also aimed at demonstrating the desirability of long term research as shown in the author intermittently engaging health in the study for a period of 5 years. The study also aimed at demonstrating the utility of incorporating a clear frame of reference for use in the study. The frame of reference used for this particular study was the ethnography of communication and language socialization. These two elements are recent developments are interdisciplinary in cultural anthropology. The study also had direct potential of application for education improvement in the classroom through the interaction of the community and the school. Research method The research presents data on the usage of questions in three different circumstances. The study setup was carried out in a city located in the Southeastern United States, known to comprise o f black residents of the working class community, children from this community who attended the classrooms selected for the study, and also comprising of the teachers’ homes who teach in the mentioned classrooms. The field work was carried out for a period of five years in both institutional and community settings. Results of the study were shared and discussed among the institutional and community settings. The first phase of the study was carried out in a group comprising of only black residents with the members identifying themselves as a community, both on the basis of group membership or spatial members. This group was referred to as Trackton in order to differentiate the group from the entire public community. Majority of Trackton households had one or more of their members between the ages of 21 and 45, and worked in jobs that provided high or equal salaries to the teachers. Rulings of segregation often put black children to be taught by white teachers, in classrooms that were formerly for white students. The key focus on field work was the acquisition of language uses, ways of satisfying needs of children by learning language use, information transmission, asking questions, and convincing other children and adults that they were competent communicators. Data was collected for a period of five years while observing and participating in the classrooms and some homes for the teachers. Data collection was done across a broad range of circumstances, as well as longitudinally following the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Lab Report Example For the second cycle, the mass of the water alone is the mass of the crucible lid and hydrate, less the mass of the crucible lid and residue after heating. That gives 22.678 – 22.455 = 0.223. Considering the fact that the second cycle represents a time when more accuracy is sought as opposed to the first cycle, the mass from the second cycle is taken for use in the establishment of the % of the water of hydration. The % of water of hydration is equal to the mass of the water of hydration alone, divided by the mass of the hydrated salt and the result multiplied by 100%. That gives, (0.223 / 0.636 ) * 100 = 4% to the nearest whole number. It is apparent that the experiment manifested that the percentage of the water of hydration is 4% as opposed to the theoretical value which is 5%. This may be attributed to the fact that there are some errors in the experiment that result from such attributes as impurities entering the reagents; zero error introduced in the measuring instruments and parallax error on the side of the personnel taking the readings from the instruments. The experiment however proved that indeed there is water of hydration in the reagent and that has weight which is shade off by heating the
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