Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Description - Essay Example We decided to go to the stadium almost an hour before as we wanted to enjoy the tranquility of the stadium, which drowns and is alien to the field once the game begins. Plus we wanted to see the waiting rooms, rest rooms and cafeteria because they all had created such hype. The rumors were true; everything was up to the mark and immaculate. We were afraid that we won't be able to get a decent spot for parking but we were elated to see the organized setup for parking at the Centurylink Plaza. After parking the car at the nearby Plaza, we stepped on to the magnificent threshold of the stadium and the scene before us was spellbinding. For a second or two, our minds and hearts swayed from the sheer beauty of it. The musky and dewy scent of the grass, the very audible chirping of the birds, and the crystal clear visibility of everything mystified us. It was as if everything else had shrunk behind, amplifying this glorious moment. A painter would have killed to capture those beautiful colo rs. Our hands itched to grab the sense of familiarity and to keep it with us forever. Besides the creativity of this stadium, the practicality is also to be applauded. The chairs, or benches, had enough space in between that people could easily pass through. Another pleasant surprise was that the restrooms were spotless and there were around fifteen washrooms which meant you did not have to wait much. Then the crowd began to pour in. Everyone was as excited and as awed as we were. The eagerness, the enthrallment and nervousness were visible on every ones face. The typically scrumptious aroma of hot dogs, popcorns, tacos and beers, which are a complete necessity when it comes to a thrilling game, completed the picture. Everyone was prepared for the battle and the exhilaration was practically radiating from them. And then the superstars of the sounders team came barreling from one side of the stadium. The adrenaline rush of seeing these heroes was expected. The huddle was what I had o nly seen in movies. Optimism and promise to win the game could be felt by the millions of high spirited spectators. All of a sudden, the whole ground thundered with cheers and the game began. Whenever the sounders excelled, the audience went bonkers, and their excitement spilled out of the stands where they were confined. But when the opposing team bagged any points, the other half of the stadium cheered. And yes, the smoke of cigarettes was also quite pungent when the other team scored higher. When the match was coming to an end, the tension was palpable. The coaches, the players and the spectators were chewing their nails, saying their prayers and had their fingers crossed. Osvaldo Alonso and Alex Caskey played really well. My brother and cousins are his huge fans and they couldn’t stop singing his praises. The final penalty round was really difficult to take. It was as if everything was in slow motion like a movie. The cheers, the sighs went absolutely still. There was jus t the sound of a final swift kick and that’s it. A full stop. After an eternity, the shrill sound of the whistle, a signal from the referee caused every sounders fan's heart sore. They were basking in the glory of victory. The most befuddling stadium was filled with people hugging each other and patting backs. If there were tears in everyone’s eyes, then that was no surprise. It is mandatory to have intense feelings after such an intense game. This place is full of vigor and energy, and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
German Essays Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance
German Essays Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance in Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Die Juden and Nathan der Weise. Because of the impact of the intellectual revolution, the eighteenth century is frequently referred to as the Age of Reason. More specifically, the term Enlightenment is used because a major feature of this era was the minds emphasis on using rationality as a framework within which to view major philosophical issues. According to Benson and DiYanni, the Enlightenment continued an emphasis on secular concerns that began during the Renaissance and continued with the rise of scientific and philosophical thought during the seventeenth century (2005: 397). During this epoch, superstition came to be replaced with logical thought and analysis. These influences can be seen in the works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lessing is considered by many to be a major representative of the Enlightenment Era. He was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this time frame in Germany, and his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by two of his dramatic pieces, Nathan der Weise, or Nathan the Wise, and Die Juden, or The Jews. According to one scholar, these two plays by Lessing are instructive examples that demonstrate, when read in light of the historical specificity of their context, the force of critical thinking that drove Lessing (Goetschel 2003: 63). Lessings impact is still felt today. According to Garland, The Jews had shown [Lessings] deep antipathy to the unreasonable hatred directed against that people (1962: 191). In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. Formerly, much of Europe had been plagued by archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. This theme is nowhere more evident than in Lessings plays, Nathan the Wise and The Jews According to Goetschel, both of these works are evidence of Lessings critical concern to rethink both the claims of Christianity and the groundwork of modern national identity (2003: 63). Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was born in the quiet country town of Kamenz. His father, Johann Gottfried Lessing, was an educated man, but he was not wealthy. He worked as an assistant pastor in Kamenz It was from him that the younger Lessing got his love of books, something that would last throughout his life. Lessing attended the University of Leipzig. Leipzig was a new world for the young man. It was far different from Kamenz. In fact, it was sometimes known as Little Paris because of the level of sophistication that existed there (Garland 1962: 7). Lessings early literary works included Damon and The Young Scholar Neither of these works gave any indication that Lessing would eventually come to be known as the father of German literature, although The Young Scholar enjoyed a brief spate of popularity on the stage. During his youth, Lessing exhibited a tendency to rebel against the status quo. This became particularly clear during his college days. Correspondence between him and his parents shows evidence of a young man of great curiosity, and one for whom a tried and true path would not suffice. His parents wished the best for him, naturally: a steady career that would bring him stability and a modest amount of comfort. It was also hoped that Lessing, as the eldest, would establish himself in order to contribute to the education of his younger siblings. However, this was not the path that Lessing chose to follow. His adventurous spirit, combined with his youth, and the atmosphere of Leipzig, all combined to determine a path that would veer from his parents wishes. These experiences led him to become a thinker and writer who was ahead of his time, as well as one of the finest minds of the German Enlightenment. Lessings Plays: Nathan the Wise and The Jews. In many ways, Nathan the Wise can be considered a play that was ahead of its time. According to Wilms, this play is canonized not just in German literature, but also in the liberal Enlightenment reception of that literature and its tradition (2002: 306). The central theme is the concept of brotherhood among mankind. Through the vehicle of drama, Lessing puts forth the message that people should be able to exist in harmony despite their religious denomination or group affiliation. For example, it should not matter whether one is a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim; people should respect each other and coexist peacefully no matter what religious affiliations they have. Lessings primary message in Nathan the Wise is that the main consideration should be the value of individuals as human beings, and that group membership is secondary to this. This is the concept that the character of Nathan proposes. The role of money in this play merits some attention. Lessing uses money as a prop and as a theme. It is an integral part of the discourse of the play. According to Graham, from the first moiment of the pla we are never allowed to forget Nathans association with money and the desirable goods that money can buy (1973: 179). Money, and the power of money, are apparently very important to Lessing here. It is also significant to note that Nathan is rarely the recipient of money. He is rather, the giver. The suggestion that Nathan is wise may play a role here. This may be yet another way in which Lessing underscores the value of giving rather than receiving. As Graham notes, the religious impulse of surrendering the grateful self to the giver of life reverberates in every one of these situations, in varying degreees of consciousness, and in every instance soemthing of the same release of love is experienced and communicated (1973: 185). It can be said that the true villain of Lessings play is the insidious hatred that is passed down from one generation to the next. This hatred is a complex mixture of mistrust and ignorance and is so deeply ingrained in people that often it remains unquestioned, simply a part of life. Nathan the Wise is often considered a vehicle in which Lessings theological beliefs are given voice. Lessing believed in freedom of thought and was a serious student of theology. In some ways, it appears that Nathan the Wise is a mixture of various theological ideologies, many of which also appear in Lessings Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts, or Education of the Human Race, which was published in 1780. According to Wilms, in Nathan the Wise, rationality successfully overcomes a series of obstacles and works its way into a traditional Lebenswelt dominated by prejudice that does not shy away from murder and even genocide (2002: 306). The triumph of rationality here is a central theme of Lessings work. He takes on the traditional themes of religious dogma in this play and shows how individuals can take a rational approach to them The title of the play refers to the main character, Nathan. The play takes place in Jerusalem, where Nathan lives as a prosperous Jew. The time frame is in the twelfth century. In the play, it is significant that Nathan adopts an orphan. The orphan happens to be Christian, but this does not matter to Nathan, who simply takes her into his home because she was the daughter of a friend. Immediately we see that Nathan is the kind of character to rise above petty details, and to act in the interests of humanity above all else. Considering the time and setting, this is certainly no ordinary act. Tension builds, however, when a suitor comes into the picture. Nathan is aware of the inherent danger in this situation. Should the identity of his adoptive daughter be made known, the results would most undoubtedly be tragic for all involved. This use of hidden identity was common in the literary works of Lessings time, and it is used quite effectively in this play. Ultimately, Lessings message in Nathan the Wise is that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. Lessing asserts that the worth of people should not based on what religion individuals are born into, or on blood relations, but rather on the very fact that they are human. According to Garland, anti-Semitism had lessened somewhat, but was still considered widespread during the period of time in which Lessing was writing. The theme of the play is that people cannot be judged by their religious affiliations. The plot of the play is simple, ostensibly to allow the theme to stand out. The character of the Baron is clearly full of strong anti-Semitic prejudices. Therefore, when he is attacked by robbers, he immediately concludes that the perpetrators were of the Jewish persuasion, in keeping with his beliefs. It is of course ironic that the attackers are found to be Christian. Furthermore, they are employees of the Baron himself. As for the noble Stranger who rescues the Baron, he is revealed to be Jewish himself. This puts the Baron in a rather awkward situation, as he has promised the hand of his daughter to The Stranger in return for his gallantry. Of course, once the Stranger has identified himself as a Jew, the wedding is now unthinkable. According to Garland, Lessings interest is clearly centered on the serious aspects of the play The moral is pointed not only by the action, but is also underlined by frequent passages of dialogue (1962: 111). Here, as in Nathan the Wise, Lessing effectively uses the tactic of the hidden identity to elucidate his point. Once again, the message is that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. In The Jews, Lessing asserts again that the worth of people should not be based on what religion individuals are born into This is quite apparent when it turns out that the Barons attackers are in fact the very servants on whom he relies. The person who saves him, The Stranger, turns out to be a Jew himself, which adds to the irony. Lessings attitude to orthodoxy is rather complex. Much of his beliefs in his early life were strongly influenced by his friend, the freethinker Mylius. Mylius befriended him in Leipzig. Several years older, Mylius had a great deal of influence on his young protà ©gà © In a letter to his father, written when he was twenty years old, we can see the evolution of the young Lessings thoughts about religion: Time will prove whether he is the better Christian, who has the principles of Christian doctrine in his memory, and on his lips, often without understanding them, who goes to church and observes all the practices (of religion) just because they are customary; or he who has once prudently doubted and has reached conviction by the path of investigation, or at an rate strives to reach it. The Christian religion is not a thing which one should accept on trust from ones parents (quoted in Garland 1962: 151). Seeds of unrest and a pull towards independent thinking are apparent even at this early stage in Lessings development. We can already see this tendency to be skeptical of church-goers whose actions are at odds with their stated beliefs. As stated earlier, anti-Semitism was somewhat less pronounced during this period, although it still clearly existed. The idea that people should not be judged by their religious affiliations seems to have already taken hold in Lessings young mind. According to Garland, Lessing was struck by the obvious divergence between the doctrine of Christ and the mode of life of many of those who passed as Christians (1962: 152). He was very much aware of the hypocrisy inherent in many who claimed to be Christians. Even as a young man, he was easily incensed by intolerance towards religious practices. He seemed to have little respect for orthodox theologies that had little room for the beliefs of others. In the eighteenth century, as discussed earlier, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. Formerly, much of Europe had been plagued by archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. Conclusion The period of the Enlightenment in Europe signaled a change in thinking. As representative pieces, these two plays by Lessing are examples of these new attitudes towards religion. Because of the impact of the intellectual revolution, the eighteenth century is frequently referred to as the Age of Reason. More specifically, the term Enlightenment is used because a major feature of this era was the minds emphasis on using rationality as a framework within which to view major philosophical issues. During this epoch, superstition came to be replaced with logical thought and analysis. These influences can be seen in the works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. A recurring theme in the works of Lessing is the concept of brotherhood among mankind. Through the vehicle of drama, Lessing puts forth the idea that people should be able to exist in harmony despite their religious denomination or group affiliation. Whether one is Christian, Muslim, or Jew, is irrelevant Ones connection to a particular religious group should not affect the basic respect that people should feel for one another. People of different faiths and beliefs should respect each other and coexist peacefully no matter what religious affiliations they have. Lessings primary message in Nathan the Wise is that the main consideration should be the value of individuals as human beings, and that group membership is secondary to this. This is the concept that the character of Nathan proposes. This message is also present in The Jews Here, as in Nathan the Wise, Lessing once again makes it clear that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. In The Jews, Lessing asserts again that the value of a person should be independent of what religion that person is born into. This is quite apparent when it turns out that the Barons attackers are in fact the very servants on whom he relies. The person who saves him, The Stranger, turns out to be a Jew himself, which adds to the irony. Lessing, as we have seen, is considered by many to be a major representative of the Enlightenment Era. He was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this time frame in Germany. The fact that his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times is a testament to his ongoing influence. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by these two dramatic pieces Each of these works is an example of the critical and independent thinking that drove Lessing from his early days at university in Leipzig and throughout his life. Lessings impact is still felt today. As discussed above, the ideas brought to the fore in the eighteenth century had a tremendous impact on Western society. The concepts introduced during the stage known as the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects. In fact, many of these ideas remain influential to this day. Many of the prejudices that had been formulated regarding religious affiliations were analyzed and found to be wanting. This theme is nowhere more evident than in Lessings plays, Nathan the Wise and The Jews. Lessings messages in both of these plays call into question both the claims of Christianity and the significance of the underlying national identity. Many people consider Lessing to be a major representative of the Period of Enlightenment in Germany. His influence is felt in many spheres: he was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this epoch, and his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by two of his dramatic pieces, Nathan der Weise, or Nathan the Wise, and Die Juden, or The Jews In each of these plays, Lessing makes clear his belief that people should not be judged by their religious affiliations. In Nathan the Wise, we find a complex mix of ideologies. These same ideologies are present in The Jews, although to a lesser extent. It can be said that the true villain in each of these plays is the insidious hatred that is passed down from one generation to the next. Lessing portrays this hatred as a complex mixture of mistrust and ignorance that is so deeply ingrained in people that often it remains unquestioned. Both Nathan the Wise and The Jews can be considered vehicles in which Lessings theological beliefs are given voice. In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society, and those effects are elucidated in these dramatic works. Much of Europe had been riddled with archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. Lessing focuses on these prejudices in an effective dramatic format. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are strongly represented by these two dra matic pieces. In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. For readers today, these works continue to have an impact. Both of these plays offer a close look at the evolving attitudes towards religion and society of that era.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Chrysalids - Utopia or Dystopia ? :: Chrysalids
The Chrysalids – Utopia or Dystopia ? One could describe the novel "The Chrysalids" as a dystopian novel as apposed to utopian. The town in which David and the rest of shape-thinkers live is deffinatly not a utopia as well as the new land to which they move, Sealand. The dictionary definition of utopia is an imaginary island with perfect social & political system, social and political paradise. Waknuk is not an island, so it is deffinatly not a utopia, but Sealand has the characteristics of a utopia. It is an island, but it does not have a perfect social and political system. Perfect social system means equal rights and treatment for all. David, Rachel, Michael and Rosalind are not treated as equals by the Sealanders compared to the way Petra is treated. The Sealand woman came to their aid not because she wanted to help them, but because she was interested in seeing whom this little girl was that had such strong communication skills. She arrived and was very eager to put Petra in the space ship and take her home with her and she was obliged to take Michael, Rosalind and David. When Michael mentioned that his girlfriend was stuck in Waknuk and that he would like to go and fetch her she made no effort. She simply said that there was not enough fuel to fetch her and that they could only leave her behind. When Michael told her about the problem getting home she was disinterested. Michael was forced to stay behind so that he could go to Waknuk and be with his girlfriend. When David described the Sealand woman he described her as the image of perfection. His description of her was so perfect that it described her flaws. She was too perfect, as though artificial. She communicates on a higher level as him so that he can’t understand and does not worry about his troubles. Sealand may not be a utopia but it is deffinatly not a dystopia. The Chrysalids are free to use their gifts and feel more comfortable using them.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Coffee Bean
Currently, the price of coffee in the market is very high, but farmers receive less money than what they do. Furthermore, when world coffee prices rise, the price that customers pay in the shops usually goes up too. Yet, when world coffee prices fall, the price in the shops doesn't come down. According to www. newint. org, coffee is a multi-million dollar industry, but the profits don't go to the farmers who actually work so hard to grow the coffee beans, and carry all the risks of failing crops or falling prices. Most of the profits go to the shippers, roasters and retailers.For example, while a cup of coffee costs $4-5, farmers get only 10% of that cost. To sum up, this is unfair with farmers who should receive more money for their coffee products. Besides the price of coffee beans is low, speculators also make the price pressure with the farmers’ productions. For example, after harvesting the coffee beans, farmers immediately have to sell their products to collect the capit al and prepare for next season. That is the reason why farmers don’t have good price. In order to get price stability, Fair Trade has emerged to help farmers with their products.According to www. fairtrade. net, Fair Trade coffee producers are small family farms organized in cooperatives or associations which the farmers own and govern democratically. So, after joining Fair Trade, the price of coffee beans will be stable when farmers have harvested it. To sum up, farmers are not only more money but also depend on price. However, there are lower quality coffee beans which are sold at a price equal to the price of good quality coffee through fair trade. If farmers joined in Fair Trade, all their products which are good or bad also sold the same price that is not fair.According to www. ssireview. org, Fair Trade-certified coffee is growing in consumer familiarity and sales, but strict certification requirements are resulting in uneven economic advantages for coffee growers and l ower quality coffee for consumers. Farmers are selling a different thing than they are producing. For instance, 1 bag of good quality coffee is sold at higher price than 1 bag of lower quality coffee in the market. If farmers joined in Fair Trade, those two bags would sell the same price. To sum up, farmers should not receive more money with their lower products.Besides, to be able to earn more money, while the price of coffee beans in the market isn’t high, farmers need to have more products which sell to raise their income. That reason why the government should support about the capital and lower interest rates those farmers can produce more productions. In addition, the government should invest for research new varieties with higher yields. For instance, the government will lend to farmers to buy materials, after the harvest, farmers would pay back for the government. All in all, if there are more yields and productions, farmers would earn more money without lower price.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Art History Paper Essay
Define the transformations that have taken place between the sculpture of the late archaic period and that of the early Classical period. Note how these imply a change in relationship of the viewer to the work of art. Throughout history, sculptures have developed significantly. The Western tradition of sculptures began in Ancient Greece along with Egypt and many other ancient civilizations around the world. Greece is widely seen as producing great masterpieces in the archaic period and as time evolved into the classical period more detailed and sensible artwork developed. During the archaic period (c.660-480 B.C.) sculpture emerged as a principal form of artistic expression. The beginning of this period marks posh and elegant statues of nude walking youths, the Kouroi, which suggest Egyptian prototypes but which are distinctive in stylization and force of movement. These sculptures were luxurious and prominent during this period of time. In the early classical, or transitional, period (c.480-450 B.C.) a new humanism started to find its artistic expression in terms of a perfect balance between authenticity and abstraction of form. By humanism I mean, a new culture of work developed. This work of art brought forward a greater amount of human qualities. For example, The Anavysos Kouros sculpture from century 540 – 515 B.C. and Kritios Boy from century 480 B.C. These two sculptures convey drastically different messages to the viewer while still portraying similar representations. The Kroisos Kouros is a statue of an Athenian solider that functioned as a grave marker, located in Anavysos in Attica. The marble Kritios Boy belongs to the Early Classical period of ancient Greek sculpture. Two similar sculptures can portray extremely different messages to the viewer by the sculptures body language and the amount of detail put into the sculpture. The way the sculpture is portrayed can impact the viewer’s emotion toward the selected art. The sculpture of Anavysos Kouros during century 540 – 515 B.C. was constructed with an inorganic semblance. The Anavysos Kouros is thought to represent the ideal image of a person rather than an actual portrayal of what Kroisos looked like. This makes Anavysos Kouros understood to be as an abstract figure due to the fact that it’s related to the function of a statue while still representing a hero of Greek culture. The pose of the Kouros, a clear and simple formula, derives from Egyptian art and was used by Greek sculptors for more than a hundred years. The formula consists of the statue frontal fixed with the left food leading slightly. His arms are held next to the body, and the fists are grasped with the thumbs forward. The Greek sculptor rendered the human body in a far more naturalistic manner. For example, the head is no longer too large for the body, and the face is more rounded, with puffy cheeks replacing the flat planes of the earlier work. The long hair does not form an inflexible backdrop to the head but falls naturally over the back. His knees are locked, hips are in axis with shoulders which convey that they body’s muscles are independent from the body’s movement. This statue for example is frozen in time. Rounded hips replace the V-shaped ridges of the earlier work. Anavysos Kouros is extremely stiff even though the statue is free from a block that some statues are attached to from behind. Statues like this replaced the large vases of Geometric times as the favored form of grave marker in the sixth century BCE. This Greek statue from the archaic period, Anavysos Kouros, is produced in frontal view, which is common in regard to this period. Typical Archaic sculptures are produced to be very frontal and have the archaic smile on its face. Anavysos Kouros has both of these descriptions. The art work’s body language would portray the sculpture to convey no emotion but with the archaic smile represented on it’s face the viewer may become confused due to the inconsistent body language. The body looks as if it is very light but still has extremely large muscles that are tensed which also back up the argument that it’s unnatural. The statue should be in motion due to the one leg in front of the other but the statue is portrayed as frozen which makes it extremely mechanical. On the other hand, the Kritios Boy Statue from century 480 B.C. is much more organic with a more fluid body stance. Never before had a sculptor been concerned with depicting how a human being, as opposed to a stone image, actually stands. Real people do not stand in the stiff form of the kouroi and korai. Humans shift their weight and the region of the main body parts around the vertical but flexible axis of the spine. The muscular and skeletal structures are depicted with freely lifelike accuracy, with the rib cage naturally expanded as if in the act of breathing, with a collected and calm demeanor and hips, which are distinctly narrower. The artist of this image was the first to grasp this fact and represent it in statuary. The head also turns slightly to the right and tilts, breaking the unwritten rule of frontality dictating the form of virtually all-earlier statues. As a final forebear of the classical period, the â€Å"smile†of archaic statues has been completely replaced by the accurate delivery of the lips and the formal expression that characterized the transitional austere style. The function of this statue is to recognize accomplishment not from a specific person but represents the ideal type. This statue shows contrapposto with his knee popped and bent showing some type of motion, which is the introduction of weight shift in a statue. Contrapposto separates Classical from Archaic Greek statuary. Kritios Boy’s muscles work interdependently with the axis of his body, he looks as if he is in motion due to the muscles being engaged, as there is a potential of movement. After comparing both artworks in the archaic time period and the classical, most viewers are likely to be able to connect with the classical artwork rather than early time periods’. People today show favoritism to sculptures that resemble the human body and it’s characteristics. Kritios Boy shows more humanistic concepts than the sculpture of Anavysos Kouros. The sculpture’s time period changes the relationship of the sculpture to the viewer. Viewers make emotional connections with statues due to their body language. Kritios Boy has interdependent muscles and is more matter-of-fact. Transformations of a sculpture and time periods have a great deal of impact on the viewer.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Kali Essays - Hindu Goddesses, Mother Goddesses, Mahavidyas
Kali Essays - Hindu Goddesses, Mother Goddesses, Mahavidyas Kali Misericordia University Kali Painting Kali has many aspects to look at as a whole. Some of these aspects are very grotesque and somewhat disturbing to look at such as the blood and skulls that are strewn throughout the painting. There is also a beautiful factor of the painting and that comes with the symbolism behind the different aspects of the goddess Kali. All which appear to perfectly balance each other within its symbolism. The technical aspects of the painting also appear to be more complicated than they do at first site. The Story A portion of what makes this painting grotesque is the back story of the goddess Kali. To aid her son in his endeavor to rid the three worlds of the multiplying demon, Raktabija, Parvati entered the cosmic battlefield as the dreaded goddess Kali - dark as death, gaunt with sunken eyes, gaping mouth, with long disheveled hair covering her naked body. Kali spread her tongue over the battlefield and licked the demon's falling blood, catching it on her long, outstretched tongue before any drop could find its way to the ground springing a demonic life again. Raktabija, without being able multiply his numbers by the blood was left powerless. Skanda was able to destroy Raktabija and all his remaining spawn with little difficulty. Skanda thanked his mother for her timely help. To celebrate her victory, Kali danced wildly on the battlefield, bedecking herself with a garland of served heads and a girdle of severed hands. Shiva Calms Kali Intoxicated with Raktabija's blood, Kali ran across the three worlds, destroying everything and everyone in her sight. To restrain her, Shiva took the form of a corpse and blocked her path. As the goddess, blinded by bloodlust, she tripped on his lifeless body and was jolted out of her frenzy. She wondered if she had killed her own husband. She placed a foot on Shiva's chest and brought him back to life. Shiva then took the form of a little child and began to cry, stirring maternal love in the heart of Kali. This forced her to shed her fierce form; Kali became Gauri, the radiant mother, bestower of life. The Grotesque The grotesque identifies a class of imagery that has never fit comfortably within the normal boundaries of society and is a questionable term from the start as it is different and has different levels based on ones perspective (Connelly, 2003). Kali appears to be a deformed human with a human like body but numerous arms that each holding some sort of grotesque object. In one arm she is holding a sword and in another is the head of a demon that she has slain. Blood covers most of Kalis face and chest as she stands on the chest of her husband Shiva, blood drips from many of the severed head and hands that adorn the body in the painting and it also shows the dripping of blood from Kalis mouth down her chest and eventually down her legs but never touching the ground. The remaining arms are outstretched to her worshippers and again have pools of blood in them. All these aspects are outside the normal boundaries that western society deems acceptable (Connelly, 2003). Kali is an abomination that fits into no normal or established reality. She had numerous accessories to her wardrobe that are decapitated and decomposing heads and limbs all which are grotesque in nature. Beauty in the Grotesque Thus far the painting portrays only the grotesque as we perceive it. There is however, a beautiful aspect of the paintings found behind the symbolism of the disturbing image. The painting shows the goddess Kali as being naked or void of clothing. Many would find the very aspect of nudism as being disturbing but the symbolism behind it is that she is void of clothing just like she is void of illusionary coverings The fifty heads that make up the garland seem once again very disturbing however the heads merely stand for the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet which in turn symbolize infinite knowledge which isnt nearly as disturbing as it could be if it symbolized something to the extent of fifty heads of battle. It also, knowing some of the background of the goddess, could possibly
Monday, October 21, 2019
Skagen Design Report Essays
Skagen Design Report Essays Skagen Design Report Essay Skagen Design Report Essay Skagen Designs Group 4 Q1. What screening criteria should Skagen Designs use in connection with its choice of new markets for its watch collection? When Skagen Design chooses the new markets and use the connection with them, at first, they have to care about price. Competitive price is not only one of the essential of their brand, but also the easiest method to enter new markets, especially in developing markets. In watch markets, you can see which markets is developed or developing from the charts, after looking at those, you will see which strategies Skagen Design needs to enter into each market with. Somehow, competitive price is qualified advantage in any markets, of course, it is a lot more affecting to developing markets. So, Skagen Design need to keep the low price and proper quality, of course, with their characteristic design either. Next, aside from price, they also have to separate market into developed developing markets in watch markets as I mentioned already. By dividing them into two groups, they can decide which strategy they will adapt to, for instance, if the market is developed market, they have to upgrade their quality. It will charge more cost, so the price should be higher, but the customer in market doesn’t need normal one, so it is necessary. Meanwhile, if the market is still developing market, the best way to attract them is to keep low price with proper quality. Also, Skagen Design has simple design, it could make easy to adapt slight change from local needs. Third, Skagen Design should check whether the market has any forces with international trade such as high tariff. It is basic step before getting into the market, since Skagen Design has not bigger brand power comparing to competitors such as Gap, Calvin Klein, it has to be emphasized with quality and low price. With high tariff, it ain’t possible to keep lower price than local brand, and not even other international brands which has good online markets. So, if the market has high tariff or regulation from its government, Skagen Design should operate their business in small step such as online supply. It is uncontrollable part for every watch companies to change the market situation, so it has to keep checked, since it is also possible to get first mover’s advantage if Skagen Design gets into new market with low regulation at first/ Last, no matter how the market is developed developing or has different situation, Skagen Design has to keep their watch proper quality and design. It is essential for every business to keep them. Consumers never buy crappy product again, also the product from those brand images. Even though Skagen Design could offer lower price than others, their brand shouldn’t be same to local anonymous brand images, so they have to keep their brand characteristic, either. Quality characteristic design are always the most important parts in every markets, and competitive advantages for business success. Q2. Make a specific choice of new markets for Skagen Designs. Table 1 and Table 2 can be used to support your argument. The characteristics of Skagen Designs are colours, shapes, and simplicity, etc. However, one of the most competitive characteristics is competitive price. Their high turnover has been kept for decades, and it’s originally started from competitive price, of course, its design either. To choose which markets Skagen Designs get into, they have to consider not only how much retail volume they have, but also how much they are afford to pay for watch. At least, they have advantage with their price comparing to competitors like Calvin Klein, Coach, Guess, Gucci, Swatch, Alfex and Jacob Jensen, etc, somehow it could make their product more successful in retail market. About retail volume, we can confirm it from Table 1 and Table 2. From Table 1, retail volume in thousands of units can be estimated, for sure, USA market has been still the biggest market since the research started from 2003. Also, we can see interesting raise in India market, their retail volume has been growing rapidly the most. Now, India market has the second biggest retail volume in thousands of unit, and it is even same to USA almost. Looking at number of watches per 1,000 people, Mexico has showed highest ratio, and India’s ratio is still the lowest. From Table 1, we can see Mexico, Netherland, South Africa, Sweden have the greatest number of watches, and opposite to it, India, China, Japan, Belgium have the lowest number of watches. Aside from Table 1, Table 2 shows value of different watches, which also shows the biggest and the lowest markets as well. From Table 2, USA, Japan, UK are the biggest one, in opposite to Belgium, Hungary which are the lowest one. One thing we can discover here is counties with biggest retail market have not so big volume value of watch market. Also $ per capita shows similar aspect, from Table 2, we can see the separation between developed market and growing market. Already developed markets have the biggest $ per capita when it comes to market, meanwhile growing markets have the lowest one. It is same with value of watch markets. So, from those charts, we can suggest potential markets for Skagen Design would be Mexico, India or China. Skagen can offer them average quality with lower price than competitor’s, also their design is so simple and never follow established trends that it can be adapted in growing market easily. It can be adapted to local needs slightly with marketing. Meanwhile, when Skagen Design enters into developed market, it doesn’t need to adapt local needs or adaptation. What only they have to care is more high quality with higher price, so it can’t be good market as much as first one. Q3. Which market entry mode should Skagen Design use on the chosen markets? First of all, you have to know what is a market entry mode : this is an institutional arrangement which is necessary for the entry of a company’s products into a new foreign market. There are three different types of entry mode: Export Intermediate And hierarchical mode There are few factors that influence the market entry mode choice. These factors are externs or interns, or specifics. The market entry mode is different between countries with low, medium and high standard of living. Firm’s products are manufactured in the domestic market or a third country and then transferred either directly or indirectly to the host market. Three types of exporting: 1. Indirect mode 2. Direct mode 3. Cooperative mode |Lowest US $ per capita |Medium US $ per capita |High US $ per capita | |Indirect export mode |Is the process of exporting through | | | | |domestically based export | | | | |intermediaries, but the exporter has no| | | | |control over its products and over the | | | | |marketing decisions. | | | | | | | | |Fast market access. | | | | | | | | | |No infrastructures are built. | | | | |Low sale promotion. | | | |No market researches are carried out. | | | |Direct export mode | |If the international markets are considered as a | | | | |crucial part of the company’s success the direct | | | | |exporting is the best market entry tool. | | | |Using own sales subsidiary and direct marketing | | | | |(including mail order and telemarketing). | | | | |Low infrastructures are built. | | | | |Market researches are carried out upon secondary | | | | |data. | | | | | | | | |The business can use: | | | | |Distributors | | | | |Market country agents | | |Intermediate mode | |The intermediate mode is used to transfer the | | | | |knowledge and the skills to the local | | | | |producer/seller. | | | | | | | | | |There is no full ownership by the parent firm | | | | |involved, but ownership and control can be shared | | | | |between the firm and the local partner. | | | | | | | | |Four types of intermediate entry modes: | | | | |Licensing | | | | |Franchising | | | | |Contract manufacturing | | | | |Joint ventures | | |Hierarchical mode | | |Solid infrastructure. | | | | |Sponsoring artists, athletes and | | | | |events. | | | |Market research, qualitative | | | | |quantitative. | | | | |Aggressive marketing campaign. | | | | |Sales promotion. | | | | |Market coverage: Intensive | Each kind of countries has one appropriate mode concerning its export, and each of these modes are listed in the table above. Q4. What should be the guidelines for including other products lines in the Skagen Designs collection? Including other products mean want to have an expansion? : you can add a new product to expand your business; just be sure to take these four steps before moving forward:? Determine the specific needs of your customers in each high-priority market segment.? Identify the product/service bundles (groups of features) that would be most attractive to them. Create a unique value proposition for the proposed line extensions and decide how youll position the product in the market segments youve identified. ? Determine the sales and distribution channels that will achieve the highest penetration of your target market segments. In all, youll need to use market research and speak customers and marketing partners or distributors and evaluate competitive products. This will help you to validate the present level of demand for the product and the best channels for sales distribution, plus shape the product messaging. If you do your homework and proceed with an analytical eye, your line extension will increase sales, help you reach new markets and build market share overall for your growing business Having a guideline represents choosing the right segmenting, targeting and positioning. Segmentation [pic] Targeting [pic] Positioning The positioning is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market. So, the guidelines for introducing other products lines are mainly respecting the positioning. For Skagen, we can describe the brand as simple, elegant and affordable. It is indeed very elegant with technical precision and a true original design. It means that a new line of products has to be part of this universe; it means something chic, no food or others. Furthermore, it has to need a technical precision because they could have an advantage using their expertise with that kind of materials. It has to be simple. Indeed, for example, the super slim line is totally purified, simple. The watches are non-numerical, the logo is very discreet. So the new line has to be made in a very simple style. Last but not least, it has to be an affordable product. It means that they have to find way to produce it almost low cost. And so it has to be a product which can be made almost low cost. Ideas for the future of new products High quality design pen as Rolex for example Clothes as Calvin Klein for example Q5. Which criteria should Skagen Designs use for its selection of future sponsor partners? First of all, it is interesting to give a little definition of sponsorship to understand the interest for companies to make some partnership. After that it must easier to define some criteria in the selection of future sponsor partner. Sponsoring: Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as part of the publicity for the event. [1] For Skagen Designs it can be really interesting to set up a sponsoring policy. Sponsoring is one of the best ways of communication for two reasons. Firstly, it is a good tool to highlight and precise the positioning of Skagen Designs thanks to an event or a celebrity really famous and know by everyone. Secondly, this kind of partnership makes advertisements more visible. For example in the past, Skagen Designs had a partnership with the famous TV series Ally McBeal. This sponsoring corresponded to the Skagen Designs targeting (active population, 25-45 years old with a fashion sensitivity) and to the positioning also (classy, elegant and affordable). Moreover, people who loved ally McBeal and who recognize themselves in the series must be more sensitive to the brand Skagen Designs. It was a really good promotion. Indeed, when the sponsorship is well selected, it allows identifying with a particular target market or lifestyle and so attracting customers, easier. The first reason is increasing of awareness of brand name and then, reinforcing perceptions of key brand image associations. For example, every time people watched Ally McBeal, they thought Skagen Designs. The sponsoring makes the brand alive and present everyday in the life of customers. As any decisions, nevertheless, sponsor partnership can be risky. That’s why we speak about selection. One of the difficulties of sponsorship it is hard to measure and predict success and outcome. Another risk depends on the sponsored person’ image which can change because of an event or a situation. This can affect the brand credibility and associate the brand with this bad event or behavior and change perception of brand values. That is why it is important to establish a list of criteria in order to make a good selection amount the different sponsor partnerships available. Firstly the partnership has to be in adequacy with Skagen Designs values and strategy: The sponsorship has to be in line with the business and communication objectives. It has to be a strategic fit between the events target markets and Skagen Design? s. The sponsorship must match the targeted market and be able to reach it. Finally the sponsor partnership has to be in line with the positioning and targeting in order to touch the customer and attract him: The sponsorship must generate sufficient awareness, possess the desired image and create the desired effects. The consumers have to see attributions for the sponsor’s engagement To conclude, Skagen Desings has to focus on its values and keep in mind its strategic direction for the brand. Then it must be easier to choose a partner by following the criteria. Finally by following up and evaluating the sponsorship Skagen Designs will be able to decide if it’s better to continue or stop the sponsorship. Q6. Skagen Designs is considering online sales of his watches. What problems and possibilities do you see for the company in this area? On this basis what are your conclusions? Nowadays, every brand is most of the time at least a brand â€Å"click and mortar†, if it is not a â€Å"pureplayer†. Nevertheless, the online trade cannot be adapted to every type of brand. Indeed, the brand universe has to be able to be put on the internet. Furthermore, when competitors start to sell on the internet, if you do not want to lose market share, you have no choice: you have to fight their advantages and so start considering selling online. First, we have to remember what an online sale is. An online sale is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without intermediary services. So, we can think that a luxury brand such as Skagen, which anyway looks luxury, will lose its ability to advice consumers, one of his strengths. Furthermore, those watches are pretty technical products and so require some expertise. However, there must be some advantages. It is important to say that Skagen has already a website and is already selling on this website, so every watch can be purchased on the internet. Indeed, for example, you can choose a watch, click on it to have a bigger view of it, and then you can â€Å"add it to the bag†. You can then see your â€Å"bag†on which you see the price of your watch and of the shipping. The last step is to do the check out by giving your personal address, and of course, paying. As a consequence, we can think that Skagen took its decision: they decided to sell by the internet also. Now, what means â€Å"problems and possibilities†. A problem is an obstacle. A possibility is more an opportunity. It means in this case how the website can be done, what possibilities they have. But also, it means what opportunities it will bring. So, we can think that the expression â€Å"problems and possibilities†refers to the â€Å"Threats and Opportunities†in the SWOT analysis. First, it is an opportunity because customers are not the same nowadays. The new customer is always in a hurry, always wants to change his style, optimizes a lot his time in the transport by using his cellphone. So, of course, if the competitors start to sell on the internet, Skagen customers, which are young and active people, will lose their faithfulness toward Skagen finding better answers to their needs. Second, as it was said, the typical Skagen customer is the typical person who spends a lot of time buying on the internet and who is very comfortable with new technologies. It means that it will not be a problem for him to buy at the online store, and even, it will bring new customers: this main target, the one of Skagen, is sometimes so much active that it does not have time to buy and sometimes, he is totally willing to buy in another country but cannot because there is no online store. As a consequence, it means that more than an advantage, creating an online store was necessary for Skagen’s customers. Plus, every brand does not have exactly the same target. We can guess that because, for example, Alfex is still not selling on the internet, you can just click on â€Å"where to buy†on its website. Third, but it is a detail, it quite easy to establish some advantages for faithful customers on the internet. For example, reductions, special sales. And it is easily accessible. These advantages can also be combined with partners. Indeed, Skagen, choosing to start selling on the internet can start having good partners for complementary items such as clothes for example. However, we can observe that most of this brand does not make any promotion for other brands. We can think that it is because the world of watches is an â€Å"elegant†world; it means that websites are really modern and purified. Fourth, we can think that it could be cheaper to sell on the internet because you do not have to pay a so huge rent and you do not have to pay the sells staff. However, of course, there are some disadvantages. First, it is a quite precise and technical product: some exigent customer can feel lost, even if it is well described they might need still more details. Details that are so numerous that it cannot be put on a website for example if you have some risks to break a bit your diamonds on the watch if you go on the shower with it. Second, Skagen will always have to watch the markets evolution and to be able to answer very quickly to demands. It means a lot of stocks and money. This is an aspect of starting selling online: selling online is a job in itself, you have a lot of technics to acquire such as how to ship your products for example. And, because it is a lot of money, you have to calculate if it is really worth it to sell on the internet and if it is, how you will do it without huge amounts of moneys. Beside, details which is important for Skagen which is a brand whose positioning is selling very pretty products at affordable prices. Third, Skagen, as clothes, is a fashion brand, it means that people requires style from it. And, as they do with clothes, they might want to try it to see how it feels and how it fits their clothes. And, indeed, it is the main problem with online stores. But, anyway, it is less grave for watches than for clothes. However, we can notice that on their website we only see their watches alone, which means that it hard to imagine how it looks on a wrist. Some competitors such as Jacob Jensen or Guess still have this trouble, they should all of them do as Alfex, show it on the wrist of a model also. As a result, it was almost mandatory for them to go on the internet. Indeed, they have the perfect target, it can be cheaper and they are an affordable brand because they can produce low cost, their competitors start to sell on the internet and this type of products which are objects and not clothes or food, can be quite easily sold on the internet. The disadvantages are really negligible comparing to the advantages. We can anyway to go more far think that they could do it in another way such as proposing pictures of people wearing it and even proposing some clothes style to fit with it. [1] tutor2u. net/business/marketing/promotion_sponsorship. asp Report 2013/02/19 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SODERTORNS HOGSKOLA
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Auschwitz Concentration and Death Camp
Auschwitz Concentration and Death Camp Built by the Nazis as both a concentration and death camp, Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazis camps and the most streamlined mass killing center ever created. It was at Auschwitz that 1.1 million people were murdered, mostly Jews. Auschwitz has become a symbol of death, the Holocaust, and the destruction of European Jewry. Dates: May 1940 - January 27, 1945 Camp Commandants: Rudolf Hà ¶ss, Arthur Liebehenschel, Richard Baer Auschwitz Established On April 27, 1940, Heinrich Himmler ordered the construction of a new camp near Oswiecim, Poland (about 37 miles or 60 km west of Krakow). The Auschwitz Concentration Camp (Auschwitz is the German spelling of Oswiecim) quickly became the largest Nazi concentration and death camp. By the time of its liberation, Auschwitz had grown to include three large camps and 45 sub-camps. Auschwitz I (or the Main Camp) was the original camp. This camp housed prisoners, was the location of medical experiments, and the site of Block 11 (a place of severe torture) and the Black Wall (a place of execution). At the entrance of Auschwitz, I stood the infamous sign that stated Arbeit Macht Frei (work makes one free). Auschwitz I also housed the Nazi staff that ran the entire camp complex. Auschwitz II (or Birkenau) was completed in early 1942. Birkenau was built approximately 1.9 miles (3 km) away from Auschwitz I and was the real killing center of the Auschwitz death camp. It was in Birkenau where the dreaded selections were carried out on the ramp and where the sophisticated and camouflaged gas chambers laid in waiting. Birkenau, much larger than Auschwitz I, housed the most prisoners and included areas for women and Gypsies. Auschwitz III (or Buna-Monowitz) was built last as housing for the forced laborers at the Buna synthetic rubber factory in Monowitz. The 45 other sub-camps also housed prisoners that were used for forced labor. Arrival and Selection Jews, Gypsies (Roma), homosexuals, asocials, criminals, and prisoners of war were gathered, stuffed into cattle cars on trains, and sent to Auschwitz. When the trains stopped at Auschwitz II: Birkenau, the newly arrived were told to leave all their belongings on board and were then forced to disembark from the train and gather upon the railway platform, known as the ramp. Families, who had disembarked together, were quickly and brutally split up as an SS officer, usually, a Nazi doctor, ordered each individual into one of two lines. Most women, children, older men, and those that looked unfit or unhealthy were sent to the left; while most young men and others that looked strong enough to do hard labor were sent to the right. Unbeknownst to the people in the two lines, the left line meant immediate death at the gas chambers and the right meant that they would become a prisoner of the camp. (Most of the prisoners would later die from starvation, exposure, forced labor, and/or torture.) Once the selections had been concluded, a select group of Auschwitz prisoners (part of Kanada) gathered up all the belongings that had been left on the train and sorted them into huge piles, which were then stored in warehouses. These items (including clothing, eyeglasses, medicine, shoes, books, pictures, jewelry, and prayer shawls) would periodically be bundled and shipped back to Germany. Gas Chambers and Crematoria at Auschwitz The people who were sent to the left, which was the majority of those who arrived at Auschwitz, were never told that they had been chosen for death. The entire mass murder system depended on keeping this secret from its victims. If the victims had known they were headed to their death, they would most definitely have fought back. But they didnt know, so the victims latched onto the hope that the Nazis wanted them to believe. Having been told that they were going to be sent to work, the masses of victims believed it when they were told they first needed to be disinfected and have showers. The victims were ushered into an ante-room, where they were told to remove all their clothing. Completely naked, these men, women, and children were then ushered into a large room that looked like a big shower room (there were even fake shower heads on the walls). When the doors shut, a Nazi would pour Zyklon-B pellets into an opening (in the roof or through a window). The pellets turned into poison gas once it contacted air. The gas killed quickly, but it was not instantaneous. Victims, finally realizing that this was not a shower room, clambered over each other, trying to find a pocket of breathable air. Others would claw at the doors until their fingers bled. Once everyone in the room was dead, special prisoners assigned this horrible task (Sonderkommandos) would air out the room and then remove the bodies. The bodies would be searched for gold and then placed into the crematoria. Although Auschwitz I did have a gas chamber, the majority of the mass murdering occurred in Auschwitz II: Birkenaus four main gas chambers, each of which had its own crematorium. Each of these gas chambers could murder about 6,000 people a day. Life in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Those that had been sent to the right during the selection process on the ramp went through a dehumanizing process that turned them into camp prisoners. All of their clothes and any remaining personal belongings were taken from them and their hair was shorn completely off. They were given striped prison outfits and a pair of shoes, all of which were usually the wrong size. They were then registered, had their arms tattooed with a number, and transferred to one of Auschwitzs camps for forced labor. The new arrivals were then thrown into the cruel, hard, unfair, horrific world of camp life. Within their first week at Auschwitz, most new prisoners had discovered the fate of their loved ones that had been sent to the left. Some of the new prisoners never recovered from this news. In the barracks, prisoners slept cramped together with three prisoners per wooden bunk. Toilets in the barracks consisted of a bucket, which had usually overflowed by morning. In the morning, all prisoners would be assembled outside for roll call (Appell). Standing outside for hours at roll call, whether in intense heat or below freezing temperatures, was itself a torture. After roll call, the prisoners would be marched to the place where they were to work for the day. While some prisoners worked inside factories, others worked outside doing hard labor. After hours of hard work, the prisoners would be marched back to camp for another roll call. Food was scarce and usually consisted of a bowl of soup and some bread. The limited amount of food and extremely hard labor was intentionally meant to work and starve the prisoners to death. Medical Experiments Also on the ramp, Nazi doctors would search among the new arrivals for anyone they might want to experiment upon. Their favorite choices were twins and dwarves, but also anyone who in any way looked physically unique, such as having different colored eyes, would be pulled from the line for experiments. At Auschwitz, there was a team of Nazi doctors who conducted experiments, but the two most notorious were Dr. Carl Clauberg and Dr. Josef Mengele. Dr. Clauberg focused his attention on finding ways to sterilize women, by such unorthodox methods as X-rays and injections of various substances into their uteruses. Dr. Mengele experimented on identical twins, hoping to find a secret to cloning what Nazis considered the perfect Aryan. Liberation When the Nazis realized that the Russians were successfully pushing their way toward Germany in late 1944, they decided to start destroying evidence of their atrocities at Auschwitz. Himmler ordered the destruction of the crematoria and the human ashes were buried in huge pits and covered with grass. Many of the warehouses were emptied, with their contents shipped back to Germany. In the middle of January 1945, the Nazis removed the last 58,000 prisoners from Auschwitz and sent them on death marches. The Nazis planned on marching these exhausted prisoners all the way to camps closer or within Germany. On January 27, 1945, the Russians reached Auschwitz. When the Russians entered the camp, they found the 7,650 prisoners who had been left behind. The camp was liberated; these prisoners were now free.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Movie review anthropology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Anthropology - Movie Review Example The weapons that the human and humanoid tribes used during their battle distinctly identify their differences. This film by James Cameron demonstrates the two faces of the Earth’s inhabitants. The movie Avatar depicts both the modern and conventional societies that are greedy and selfless, respectively. Each community tries to live up to what the society they live in requires of them, even if it could lead to the demise of a large group of human beings. The movie presents a number of ideas that relate to human social and cultural nature that are very significant in understanding them. People and society are often depicted in movies, and Avatar, although a science-fiction movie, is no different. Having a better life is what every human being desires to have. Man is indeed forced to do something he does not intend to because of this need. At the beginning of the movie, it has been established that Jake, the main character in the movie was obliged to replace his deceased brother since he needed money for the treatment of his leg that was injured when he was on duty in the marine. Like any human being, who does not have the capacity to pay for his own treatment, Jake submitted himself to project Pandora since he contains the genetic make-up of his twin brother necessary to make the avatar intended for him to work. Inasmuch as a person tries to avoid being subjected to a situation he does not like, his financial needs lead him to do so. Every human being has a freedom of choice. This is true. However, the society provides him with very limited choices. Although others may say they only want to live a simple life, this simplicity does not always come easy for everyone. Just as Jake wanted himself to live a normal life, he does not have the necessary amount of money to bring himself to the hospital and get the surgery that his legs needed. The desire of having a better life brought him to submit to the demands of people who could provide him his needs even thou gh he did not exactly like it. How much a human could tolerate other people’s demands was clearly illustrated in the movie when Jake could no longer perform his tasks after being subjected to the Omaticayan tribe. His video logs documents how his perspective has changed about the two different worlds he had been able to experience. Man is unable to see the other side of the world when he is deprived of the chance to see it. No comparison will be made when one does not see any point of comparison. Rich people may think being rich does not gain any advantage from the others when they do not see how poor people live their lives. When Jake was exposed to the life of the Na’vis, he could not help but compare the world he used to live in and the new world he has learned to live in Pandora. The world of humans, with all the advanced sciences and technologies that it offers, is nothing but a â€Å"dream†to him. The â€Å"real world†is the world with the Omatica ya tribe, deprived of the advanced weaponry and the machines that were brought about by modern science. Although Jake is naturally not a Na’vi, it is with them that he finds the sense of belonging, when he is treated a real human being. This shift in the main character’s perspective is instrumental as this shows that it is normal for human beings to take a turn when
Friday, October 18, 2019
General Motors Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
General Motors Global Strategy - Essay Example During the year 2005, 9.17 million cars and trucks from the GM stable were sold worldwide under the popular brand names, which are Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, Opel, GM Daewoo, Pontiac, Saturn and Vauxhall. Besides, GM runs one of the major financial companies of the world, GMAC Financial Services offering automotive, residential and commercial financing and insurance. GM's concern for vehicle safety, security and information services has led to its formation of OnStar subsidiary. (The Company: Corporate Information) In its endeavor for forging global partnership and consumer relationships, GM has been the majority shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company of S. Korea, and has product, powertrain and buying collaborations with Suzuki Motor Corp and Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan. It also holds advanced technology collaborations with DaimlerChrysler AG and BMW AG of Germany and Toyota of Japan. Besides it has also vehicle production ventures with various automakers across the globe inclusive of Toyota, Suzuki, Sanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China and Renault SA of France. US constitute the largest national market of GM after which comes China, Canada, the UK and Germany. (The Company: Company Profile) GM has achieved definite success in their global business. ... GM acts locally, but thinks and makes profit on a global basis. In its commitment for environment issues, GM remains concerned for meeting the emission standards for not only the US but also aligns with its global partners for tackling the global problems of emissions. (General Motors) Application of modern technology has always been the global strategy at GM. Its technology on vehicle safety strategy aims at treatment before a crash, during a crash and after a crash to facilitate the driver in avoiding possible crashes, reduction of possible injuries out of a crash and caution emergency rescue to a crash and assist in providing information to aid rescue specialists. In its endeavor towards attaining quality, GM has an integrated quality strategy, which unifies every constituent of GM to propel enhancement towards common quality goals. The business proposals in each functional area like Engineering, Purchase, Marketing and Manufacturing gives relation to the quality strategy and streamlines the responsibility that every organization contributes in reaching the quality objectives that concentrates in producing genuine results. (Our Products: Our Vehicle strategy) Recent surveys of GM exhibits enhanced quality, performance that is above the industry average. Its focus on deign is led by the global life cycle analysis subcommittee wherein the engineers at the company across the globe share important information regarding the design for environment, analysis of life-cycle of various materials and recycling of vehicles. The design engineers at GM focus on designs that give economy in fuel consumption and reduced emissions enhance safety and
Public speaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public speaking - Essay Example The two goals contradicted each other, as Vietnams had threatened to attack US if their troops were not to be withdrawn from South Vietnams. For that reason, Nixon addressed the issue with a two sided mind. Paradoxically, Nixon imparts a withdrawal mode to his audience, a strategy that makes them feel like he cares so much for the Americans, and especially the American men in Vietnam. He acknowledges that American troops stand a higher risk in the attacked zones but concludes the sentence by mentioning that withdrawing implies a greater risk to the natives of the attached zones. Nixon considers it wise to analyse the situation in two ways to make the audience understand that withdrawal, as the solution suggested earlier, is a controversial action that worsens the situation. As matter of fact, the Nixon understands that his audience are Americans, who would want their men protected but keeps in mind that the outside world is also watching his action. Therefore, the speech is planned n ot only to please the immediate audience but ensure that the problem is effectively addressed. Nixon confidently convinces the audience that his speech is well advised, by mentioning that the decision being presented wasn’t his own opinion but an informed discussion with national Security Council, other crucial personnel as well as the president’s advisers. To ensure this confidence, the speech creates some sense of inductive reasoning, by first defining the problem, analysing the available solutions and drawing a generalised conclusion later on. Nixon explains the problem by describing the actions and motives of the enemy. According to Nixon, America has no enmity whatsoever with North Vietnam, in the past there had been no troops moving to attack Vietnam, neither had the south Vietnams attacked their opponents before . He at the same time mentions the existence of alliance with South Vietnams. These create some sense of reasoning to the audience that
Segment 10 and 11 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Segment 10 and 11 - Term Paper Example On October 1802, Spain's King Charles IV signed a decree that transferred the Louisiana territory to France and the Spanish representative in New Orleans, following instructions Spanish court, canceled Americans' access to the port's warehouses. These moves angered the United States. Jefferson and Secretary of State James Madison worked to attain a feasible resolution through diplomacy, but other factions called for war, so that the U.S. could seize Mississippi and New Orleans. In January 1803, Jefferson recommended that James Monroe accompany Livingston in Paris as minister extraordinary. This would be called the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Jefferson wrote to Kentucky's governor, James Garrard, to notify him of Monroe's appointment. Monroe was to offer $10 million for the purchase of New Orleans and all, or part of, the Florida territories. If negotiations failed, Monroe was ordered to try buying New Orleans, or, at the very least, ensure American access to the Mississippi and the p ort. When Monroe got to Paris on April 12, 1803, Livingston informed him of different circumstances. Napoleon agreed with the recommendation of France's minister of finance, Francois de Barbe-Marbois, that it would be more strategic for France to sell Mississippi to the U.S., to avoid for it being seized by Britain, in the event of a future war. Soon, the U.S. purchased Louisiana from France for $0.03 per acre, or $15 million. This added around 252 million more acres to the American territory. The War of 1812 concerned the military conflict between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815. One of the main issues was Impressment, where the British could take away British sailors in American ships. Napoleon's statement in 1810 that revoked his decrees and British refusals to rescind their orders increased the pressures for the U.S. to go to war. On June 18, 1812, President James Madison approved a declaration of war that Congress passed at his request, although not withou t significant opposition. The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812, but it did not resolve the fundamental issues that stimulated the war. The Treaty states that â€Å"all territory, places and possessions whatsoever, taken by either party from the other during the war†would be reinstated, as they were before the war. No one gained anything and Impressment was not duly addressed. Synopsis of Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe delivered a speech on December 2, 1823 that included the Monroe Doctrine. In his message to Congress, Monroe provided a set of principles of the Monroe Doctrine: 1) The Western Hemisphere can no longer be colonized; 2) The political system of the Americas differs from Europe; 3) The United States will consider all intrusions in Western hemispheric affairs as a danger to its security; and 4) The United States will cease from participating in European wars and would not agitate European colonies in the Western Hemisphere. What was Monroe trying to ac hieve with his Monroe Doctrine? Monroe wanted to deal with potential threats to the U.S., specifically that which comes from the interests of European powers in colonizing territories in the New World and to ensure that diplomacy is used first before engaging in any war against other nations. SEGMENT 11 Summary The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, during the 18th century. In the U.S., the industrial revolution started in the nineteenth century. During this time, the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Summaries of the articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summaries of the articles - Article Example The course that I am doing is purely about marketing. It involves who businesses should correctly market themselves in order to achieve the competitive advantage. The factors that affect the business environment are the same things that appear in my course. Therefore, this article is relevant in helping me confirm the things that I have learnt about the business environment. Understanding these factors from a different source is significant to allowing me to better understand the course or simply how marketing works. I learnt the variables, which form the environment of marketing strategy planning. I now comprehend why company goals are significant in directing marketing strategy planning. I also now see how the resources of a business influence the search for opportunities. I also know how the diverse forms of competitive situations influence strategy planning. Finally, I understand how the technological and economic environment can influence strategy
Doing yoga at a local recreation center can cause harm to Hinduism Essay
Doing yoga at a local recreation center can cause harm to Hinduism - Essay Example Currently, yoga has been influenced by modern world. In most cases, modern day yoga has been misrepresented; it has less spiritual essence, and has more emphasis on financial gain. This is because modern day yoga has been reduced to physical exercise program, with yoga specialists releasing yoga videos, as well as magazines for sale. This situation has been worsened by the fact that more yoga specialist especially those in the secular field have no background on Hinduism and they do not appreciate Hinduism and Buddhism religions. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately, 20 million people practice yoga. It is estimated that the practiced has been there since 1970 with majority of the US citizen pursuing yoga for medical reasons with few individuals pursuing it for purposes of acquiring body energy and stamina, spirituality and to magnify self esteem and creativity (Syman, 2010). In this regard, due to beneficial aspects of modern day yoga, the practice has been integrated in recreation facilities in developed nation. In Ohio, the integration of yoga at Snowpea City Recreation Center has been critiqued by majority of the residents due to the fact that the center which was funded by resident taxes should , therefore, not promote Hindi practices like yoga, since most of the residents are non-Hindi believers (Syman, 2010). In this regard majority of the residents have criticized the yoga practices due to the fact that it downplays the Monism principle of Christianity (the philosophy of existence of one God, the distinction between one God and the universe). The practice of yoga where an individual is recommended to repeat the phrase â€Å"So-ham†during deep breaths is violation of Christian faith since the quote translates to identification of oneself to the divine and the merging of oneself with the divine. In addition, yoga advocates for an individual’s spiritual detachment and freedom from body and material constraint, while
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Summaries of the articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summaries of the articles - Article Example The course that I am doing is purely about marketing. It involves who businesses should correctly market themselves in order to achieve the competitive advantage. The factors that affect the business environment are the same things that appear in my course. Therefore, this article is relevant in helping me confirm the things that I have learnt about the business environment. Understanding these factors from a different source is significant to allowing me to better understand the course or simply how marketing works. I learnt the variables, which form the environment of marketing strategy planning. I now comprehend why company goals are significant in directing marketing strategy planning. I also now see how the resources of a business influence the search for opportunities. I also know how the diverse forms of competitive situations influence strategy planning. Finally, I understand how the technological and economic environment can influence strategy
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Free writing journal - Essay Example It made her strong enough to care for herself and her children through the years. But it also made her weak since it blinded her from the way she treated her children. She never got past her heartbreak and she was stuck in the denial stage. Until the end, her very death, she was still in denial of her past and her present state. Porter’s wrote The Jilting of Granny Weatherall the same way as a degenerating mind of an old woman. At first, everything was coherent enough that you can tell who was speaking and what the characters were doing. As the story nears its end, same as how Granny neared her end, the narration became a jumble. It was like a mess. You cannot easily distinguish who was saying what. This was the same as Granny’s mind. It was like a clutter of thoughts. She was thinking about something but she cannot say it any longer. Her children were hearing mumbles but she was hearing herself clearly. It was effective in a way that Porter emphasized how the thoughts of a dying person can be multi-linear. It has many lines crisscrossing together. It was actually a sad story. It made me think of how my death would be. It seems heartbreaking that death is that lonely. That in death there is isolation. The story was an eye-opener. If we live our lives in denial, there is a possibility that we may die in denial of our own death. This would make the dying person and the people around her hold on to her, as the denial is strong to even accept the death that is happening with their own
Monday, October 14, 2019
Macro Management Scheme in NEMO Environment
Macro Management Scheme in NEMO Environment An enhanced Macro Management Scheme in NEMO Environment to Achieve Seamless Handoff Qoutibah AlAssi 1. Abstract In NEMO(NETWORK MOBILITY) and when they are connected to the Internet through mobile or even laptops and during the move from one place to another process occurs disconnect this process its output practically at the point of contact with SMR within the network NEMO have changed any that HA(HOME AGENT) was Mtaatsal with SMR in the network and moved ha to another area and want SMR in other network to communicate with ha and thus the transformation of the SMR to SMR Other. During the handoff process that leads to the loss of Internet connection and thus can not ha sending and receiving the packet data and this leads to a loss of packet data and delay during normal time. And wont to shows that proposed scheme outperforms the standard NEMO BSP in terms of packet loss (packet loss less than 6%) COA: CARE OF ADDRESS. BU MESSAGE: BINDING UPDATE. RO : ROUTER OPTIMIZATION. MBB: MAKE-BEFORE-BREAK. MNN: MOBILE NETWORK NODES. LMA : LOCAL MOBILITY ANCHORS. LMD : LOCAL MOBILITY DOMAIN. LFN : LOCAL FIXED NODE. 2. Introduction: In NEMO BSP and during cutting and re-connect only Coa in SMR is capable of recording HA, which affects the process of completing handoff in terms of packet loos and the delay One solution that will be shown off here is the use of macro mobility mangement scheme for NEMO network, which integrates improved fhmipv6 with the mobile network This leads to speed handoff mechanism for SMR handoff with LFN in NEMO network There are two well known mechanisms in internet mobility to reduce the handoff delay are classified into host mobility HMIPV6, FMIPV6, HMIPV6)as well as the network mobility(NEMO BSP)[1-3]. According to host mobility , the main purpose of HMIPv6 is [4] to decrease the frequency and latency of location updates caused by MNs mobility where as the FMIPv6[5] can reduce the handover latency and packet loss during handover of MN through providing all the necessary information of next AR for layer 3 handover before going to the part of its subnet. Due to further reduce signaling overhead and packet loss, it is possible to use HMIPv6 and FMIPv6 jointly known as FHMIPv6 [6]. If these mechanisms are combined in NEMO environment then mobile. Node (MN) and mobile router(MR) performs different IP layer handoff. Hence it is needed to apply some mechanisms which are able to adapt improved FHMIPv6[7] in order to achieve uninterrupted internet connection during handoff for mobile routers with its nods in NEMO network [8]. As an extension of NEMO BSP, in this research some NEMO based handoff schemes have been analyzed in terms of packet loss and handoff delay. This research structured as follows: firstly, evaluates some mobility management schemes to achieve seamless handoff in NEMO network . then the detailed operation of the proposed schemes discussed. After that, the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated via network simulator (NS-2). 3. Research Problem: In NEMO and when they are connected to the Internet through mobile or even laptops and during the move from one place to another process occurs disconnect this process its output practically at the point of contact with SMR within the network NEMO have changed any that HA was Mtaatsal with SMR in the network and moved ha to another area and want SMR in other network to communicate with ha and thus the transformation of the SMR to SMR Other. During the handoff process that leads to the loss of Internet connection and thus can not ha sending and receiving the packet data and this leads to a loss of packet data and delay during normal time. And wont to shows that proposed scheme outperforms the standard NEMO BSP in terms of packet loss (packet loss less than 6%) 4. Literature Review: There are several extensions of NEMO Basic Support Protocol (NEMO BSP) in order to allow multihoming, nested mobile networking and the route optimization. The authors in paper [9], presents a new architecture and mechanism in order to optimize the routing mechanisms in nested mobile networks for NEMO basic support and the performance analysis of this new architecture is properly done for reducing the handoff latency. In accordance with the proposed mechanism, two types of Mobile Router (MR) are distinguished primarily. MRs which have direct access to the infrastructure via their egress interfaces, are denoted as TLMRs for Top Level MRs. All others mobile routers in the nested mobile network are denoted as IMRs for Intermediate Mobile Routers. The proposed solution is achieved by adding functionality to the Mobile Nodes/ Mobile Routers (MN/MR) and Home Agents (HA). A new one-bit field R is added to the Router Advertisement (RA) messages. This field is set to 1 by MR and inform other nodes that they are connected to a mobile/moving network. As soon as a MR connects to a new point of attachment and receives a new CoA, it starts advertisin g a RA message in its mobile network after setting the field R to 1. When a new MR visits this mobile network and receives a RA with the field R set to 1, it behaves as an IMR as shown in Figure 1. With the intention of providing information about the CoA of Mobile Nodes, a new â€Å"CoA option†is added to binding ppdate messages. Indeed except the new CoA option field, there is no additional message or overhead in this scheme. By applying this mechanism it is possible to avoid any ingress filtering mechanism. Additionally the home address of the BU message is added to the security policy, so that packets originated from this address can be forwarded. This solution minimizes the registration delay component of the overall handoff latency to some extent. However it is still an open issue for current researchers. Fig1: Mobility management in nested mobile network [9] In [10], explains an adaptive NEMO support protocol which formulates the use of the HMIPv6 and NEMO basic support protocols. Depending on the SMR in the adaptive NEMO support protocol, utilizes the adaptive BU strategy. This is the main feature differentiating a mobile network. When the SMR is low it is essential to decrease the number of BUs which is the main reason to use the adaptive BU whereas when the SMR is high then the number of tunneling is reduced. By using the adaptive mechanism, it is shown that the adaptive NEMO support protocol is scalable and works sound for different mobile environments as well as improves the performance because of low SMR as well. Hence, this technique is most significant for the NEMO networks. However, further research need to reduce implementation overhead in order to SMR measurement with security concern. In [11], explains the measurement of the performance of NEMO in a NEMO tested with explored the handoff performance and routing overheads in NEMO network. In addition, this paper also explained the non- optimized handoff performance of NEMO is not appropriate for the sensitive applications, like voice-over-IP since handoff delays. The handoff delay in NEMO BSP is up to 2.75 s. Moreover, it is also shown that routing overheads in NEMO BSP makes the use of scarce wireless network resources inefficiently. Therefore, to overcome the shortcomings of NEMO BSP, they propose a new handover scheme Make-Before-Break (MBB) handoffs to use multiple interfaces simultaneously as well as expanded OptiNets RO scheme. The advantages of the MBB handoffs is that it makes possible to take the advantage of high-speed of mobile router but has short range radio technologies except cooperating the service that it proposes to mobile network nodes (MNN). However, the possible limitation to use multiple interf aces in mobile devices, like an increase in power consumption, interference originated by the usage of multiple interfaces with increasing size and cost. But these limitations are only applicable for the mobile host. It does not give the restriction of using multiple interfaces on MRs for the do not limit the use of multiple interfaces on MRs to the similar level. Extended OptiNets RO scheme has increase performance to remove the packet overhead in NEMO BSP. Therefore it can be said that MBB handoff scheme with the extended OptiNets RO scheme improve the performance with highly sensitive application in terms of packet loss and delay. Moreover in [12], presents a modified fast-Integrated light-NEMO handoff scheme which combines the Modified Fast Integrated-Handover scheme and the Light- NEMO network model due to achieve a seamless handoff in nested mobile networks with analytical results. The advantages of this scheme are that it decrease the handoff delay as well as improve the service disruption time during the handoff. However, further improvement is needed to achieve seamless handoff completely by applying appropriate route optimization mechanism. In [13], presents a solution of route optimization based on multihoming mechanism in local mobility management framework named as multihoming-LRO. The proposed scheme gives the solution for optimized route as well as supports fast handover. Here, Multiple local mobility anchors(LMAs) requests for mobile node(MN) connecting to it with replacing information to each other within same local mobility Domain (LMD). In multihoming-LRO, it is possible for mobile router (MR) to connect to outside with having multiple mobile routers. When central link is not good in quality then MR can attach to secondary LMA earlier than primary link is stoppedthrough identifying the main LMA and secondary LMA as well as setting two threshold of link performance. If MR require then two links are able to provide concurrently to MR. when one link is not work well, then it is possible for MR to communicate with other node by the help of another link. Therefore, it is possible to improve robustness with providing self-recovery as well as smaller binding cache. Fast handover intra-LMD and inter-LMD can be performed easily through establishing new link before disconnecting old one. This scheme generates only one tunnel between the closest MR and it’s HA. Hence it can decrease the forward and reverse date path without registration with it’s HA again when MR moves inside LMD. As a result,signaling cost is reduced. Moreover, the control of nested-NEMO’s topo logy that is actively altered will be improved through moving the mobility management function to fix node from mobile node. In this scheme, no need to add signal cost when topology of the total nested-NEMO is modified with remaining MR in bone- network However, how to measuring link’s performance is still an active research area. 5. Research Objectives: Enhanced Macro Mobility Scheme: In order to minimize handoff delay as much as possible in NEMO network, this paper presents an enhanced Macro Mobility managementscheme in NEMO environment which can be identified as MM-NEMO scheme for further reduction of handoff delay. It is assumed that each MAP has MAP Information Table (MIT) that stores information of all neighboring MRs and it is possible to share the information with the neighboring MAP in order to choose the New MR (NMR). Additionally, after receiving Router Advertisement (RA) message, each MAP (CMAP, NMAP) will update the MIT as well [14]. The new LCoA and RCoA are created by CMAP in the place of the Serving MR (SMR) that shows that FBU message is not entailed for CMAP. Therefore, the FBU option is attached within the RtSolPr message as a replacement of the FBU message to perform handoff of the Serving MR with its Local Fixed Node (LFN) in order to accomplish the FBU in advance in NEMO environment. As a result, the CMAP can st art fast handoff while it receives RtSolPr from the SMR after L2 triggering. In the proposed scheme no new messages are required to be defined as the improved FHMIPv6 [7] is assumed to be integrated with mobile networks. Figure 2 illustrates the handoff operation of the proposed scheme and accordingly explained in details [15]: In the beginning, the SMR sends IRtSolPr message (with the I bit set as shown in Figure 3) to the CMAP through the CMR to allow the support of MM-NEMO. Since the I bit is set, then the CMAP will create a new LCoA and RCOA on behalf of the SMR. However, the SMR will follow NEMO BSP if I bit is not set. Once creating new LCoA, the CMAP sends the IPrRtAdv message to the SMR and also the handover Initiation (HI) message to the NMR which contains New LCOA (NLCOA). It can be seen that the SMR does not require to send the FBU to the CMAP. Rather it just needs to wait for the FLBAck message. The message format for IRtSolPr with FBU option is shown in Figure 3. Once the Handover Initiation (HI) message is sent to the NMR, the NMR executes Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) mechanism to confirm whether the new NLCoA is unique or not. If the address is not duplicated, the NMR sends the HAck message to the CMAP. After receiving the HAck message, the CMAP sends FLBAck message to the Serving MR to acknowledge the availability of the address. At the same time, Fast Local Binding Update (FLBU) is sent to NMAP that contains NRCoA for DAD operation to verify the SMR’s new RCOA. Concurrently, bi-directional tunnel is established between CMAP and NMR (which starts to buffer the packets sent to the SMR). After verifying the NRCoA, NMAP sends the FLBAck message to the SMR and BU message to it’s HA and CN consequently. Then layer 2 launchs handoff procedure and layer 3 connections will be cut. SMR sends FNA message to NMR when it arrives at NMAP domain. Subsequently, NMR transmits the buffered packet to the SMR. The SMR sends the Local Binding Update (LBU) message to NMAP after getting buffered packets from NMR. Simulation Approach: The simulation is carried out by the Network Simulator (NS2) [16] in order to determine the percentage of packet loss in the real scenarios. Packet loss has been used as performance metrics for proposed scheme. The parameters set in case of the simulated partof proposed scheme are: It is assumed, there are 4 SMRs and only 1 fixed Corresponding Node (CN), two Access Routers (e.g. NMR and CMR) which individually represent old connection (before handoff) and new connection (after handoff). The Serving MR’s moving speed is set to 5~60 Km/hr. The coverage area of the ARs (CMR, NMR) has been set to 200 Ãâ€" 200 m2. Fig. 2: Handoff procedure of Proposed Macro Mobility scheme [15] Fig. 3: FBU Option in Router Solicitation Proxy messag Fig. 4: Packet loss of the enhanced macro mobility scheme 6. References: Devarapalli, V., R. Wakikawa, A. Petrescu and P. Thubert, 2005. Network Mobility (NEMO) basicsupport protocol†, RFC 3963. Johnson, D.B., C.E. Parkins and J. 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