Monday, September 30, 2019
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton Essay
The House of Mirth is separated into two books of approximately equal length, with Book I having at least thirty more pages than the other. In the commencement of Book I, the central character, who goes by the name of Lily Bart is twenty-nine years old and gets acquainted with the fact that she is on the threshold of losing her influence to hang about in society by the desirable quality of her looks and charisma alone. She believes that getting married is her only way out. The itinerary of Book I describe Lily’s tribulations in accomplishing this goal. By the end, Lily has continued to exist after an attempted rape which nonetheless hurts her repute and causes her to be unable to find the high regard of Lawrence Selden and is desperately in liability. Book II, commences in Monte Carlo with additional and given up for lost scandal, moves to New York and additional debt. It ends in deficiency, lonesomeness, and an unintentional death that could without difficulty be called a suicide. Similarities The story presented by Edith Wharton is rather tragic. It is about a beautiful, high-spirited woman who is in dire need of getting over the manipulations of others and the extremely stern society around her. The only assets that the central character Lily has are her beauty and charisma. She is well-acquainted with the rules of the upper class New York society of 1905. Lily tells Lawrence that, â€Å"a girl must [get married] and a man if he chooses†. (Wharton, p. 165) Lily basically is totally dependant on her aunt for her financial expenses and believes that she should get married to a wealthy man as soon as possible. But, as she confesses, she always does â€Å"the right thing at the wrong time†. She is nearly married to about three different men who are pretty wealthy but she is not able to go ahead with it. She is in love with Lawrence, but considering the fact that he is not rich and has to work to make both ends meet, she does not even let herself imagine that she should marry him. She comprehends the susceptibility of her position she does not have any fortune of her own, and for that reason her reputation must be impeccable. The people that she is surrounded by have â€Å"minds like moral flypaper  they can forgive a woman anything but the loss of her good name. Unfortunately, Lily’s inherent honesty makes it impossible for her to realize the treachery and desperation around her. She makes some foolish choices: We resist the great temptations, but it is the little ones that eventually pull us down. †(The House of Mirth, p. 1). In both the movie and the book, perhaps her only mistake is that she ends up trusting all the wrong people. Because of this we can see in the movie and the novel that her reputation is looked down upon and she ends up owing a great deal of money to a man who misused her trust and made attempts to ruin her reputation. As is said, we witness in the movie that â€Å"by the time she is willing to accept the proposal of businessman Sim Rosedale (Anthony LaPaglia), he is no longer willing to offer her the position of wife, only mistress. Rosedale has a kind heart, and he likes Lily. But he is a businessman with ambitions of being fully accepted into society, and he can see that Lily is damaged goods. Perhaps her very willingness to accept him makes her less appealing†(The House of Mirth, p. 1). Lily realizes the sensitivity of her position in the society and she realizes that nothing she does would be right for her after she has been betrayed by nearly everyone and is shunned aside by her society. She now makes attempts in both the movie and the novel to support herself first as secretary/companion to a vulgar social-climber, then as an internee in a millinery shop. She makes one last exaggerated plea for help from her cousin, and also comprehends a drastic attempt at blackmail, but that is a â€Å"great temptation†she is able to resist. The movie definitely is a great adaptation of the novel written by the author with first-rate performances and extravagant details of that period. Edith Wharton’s 1905 â€Å"The House of Mirth,†apparently is a novel about early-20th century New York upper classes, and is really an outer-space story, and instinctively at least, the director Terence Davies seems to know it. In order to Wharton’s book to the display, Davies takes care to get all the accouterments right: the depressively sparkling balls and social gatherings of turn-of-the-century Manhattan society life, the faux-rustic lavishness of the nation state homes of the rich, the odd rules and regulations and subtexts prowling behind the way a woman might trip her delicately gloved hand into that of a man. In Wharton’s view, and in Davies’, it is an ambiance that is hospitable on the exterior but fastened with fatal gas, an accurate arrangement of molecules that looks for and finds and strangles the life out of foreign creatures, like Wharton’s great conqueror Lily Bart, who need air and brightness and love. It takes one beautiful alien to play Bart. Davies’ â€Å"The House of Mirth†is not anything like a science-fiction movie, for sure, apart from the way it uses ambiance to communicate a sneaking pastiness of claustrophobia and even danger. What is evident from the first frame, just like it is evident in the beginning of the novel by Wharton, is that Lily is a human being who just does not fit in this world. What is worst is that she herself believes and is convinced with this fact. The deception of the story, nevertheless, is that we are not in actuality sure about the origin of Lily; Wharton’s wrapping up is that there are no definable monetary, communities or devout divisions that are moderately right for her, and Davies’ movie, with all its miserable sophistication, incarcerates the real meaning of that peripatetic restiveness. A gorgeously beautiful but spinster woman of twenty-nine with deteriorating prediction, Lily has been raised to accept as true that luxury is exactly what she deserves. Hence, Lily lives further than her means, relying for the most part on the resentful contributions of her elderly aunt, Mrs. Peniston. All the lacking that Lily suffers because she does not have money, she makes up for in behavior of verbal communication and coquetry: she has the ability as well as the charm to turn any encounter into an enticing meeting. Nevertheless her game playing, as Wharton has written and as Anderson plays it, is not entrenched in heartlessness. It is more a particular kind of non-interventionist resourcefulness, such that her possible love interest and a little bit retribution Lawrence Selden are overwhelmed by it. â€Å"I always like to see what you’re doing,†he tells her only half-teasingly. â€Å"You’re such a wonderful spectacle. †(Wharton, p. 35) To keep herself buoyant economically, Lily is desperately in need of a husband, but she is disastrous in finding one due to the fact that, deep down, she knows she does not want one. She is most involved with Selden, a legal representative of self-effacing means who lives for books and fine art and a warm fire. But not even Selden is a sanctuary for her considering that he proves himself competent of devastating coldness. And after Lily unsuspectingly puts herself in a negotiative position with a married friend, Gus Trenor, she comes to realize that she will have to make her own money to support herself. The movie presents to us that Wharton’s book is not an assembling cry for women’s expressive and financial self-government. It is far more understated, and a lot less joyful, than that. But the narrative repetitively affirms the worth of that self-determination, exclusively by showing us how tantalizingly it is kept out of poor Lily’s reach. The movie incarcerates something of Wharton’s reticent tenderness and attractive rhythms in the way it sets Lily revolving on her unhurried spiral to calamity. The movie takes a few emancipations with the story, concentrating, for example, two of Wharton’s innovative characters into one. The movie â€Å"House of Mirth†is a dignified movie, sometimes too much so, moving with the momentum and sprightliness of a dowager aunt and the channel of communication, much of it taken straight from the novel is from time to time stiff and discomfited. But the movie does an unimpeachable job of screening to us, in the first half of the movie, both the mesmerizing comforts and the tediousness of the life Lily desires to, with its seamless drawing rooms and unnaturally effervescent parties. The second half is shadowy and more visually solemn, as Lily thrashes about to keep her existence together. But that pessimism makes it obvious that this less-glamorous continuation is not right for Lily, either. She can be considered an exotic bird, in poor condition for the filth and dirt of the everyday world but far too unexpected to be serving tea to rich, unintelligent gentlepeople. Lily, too contemporary, too fundamental and too beautiful, fits nowhere, in no detailed society, time or place (Zacharek, p. 1). Edith Wharton plots The House of Mirth on a sequence of meetings set in vibrantly distinct social settings. The first communal setting is Lawrence Selden’s residence at the Benedict and the convention is between him and Lily Bart. The second is the Trenors’ country house throughout a week-long party. In the pinnacle, Wharton shows with great power the sexual operation at the heart of the financial dependence of women. In the increasing action, Wharton sets up the rudiments of Lily Bart’s personality by showing her in stroke in a social situation which restrains her choices. In the lessening action, when Lily Bart has been evicted from the society that has prearranged her values, Wharton shows that Lily Bart is not ready to become accustomed to a dissimilar way of life. Lily Bart becomes a disastrous figure; trying with her imperfect moral possessions to live up to her intellect of what is right, even when it means facing impoverishment (Wharton, p. 25). Conclusion In the light of the above discussion we can hereby culminate that the movie and the novel namely The House of Mirth written by Edith Wharton has much in common.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Ideal Vacation Getaway Essay
When thinking of vacations, thousands of destinations storm the brain. Many do not rank their top vacation destinations, but the ideal vacation destination is one almost all are familiar with, the Bahamas. The ideal vacation would be a trip to the Bahamas, alone. One may think to themselves, why the Bahamas? The Bahamas is the perfect vacation getaway with many exclusive attractions, to name just one, the amazing beaches. The Bahamas have world renowned beaches. The beaches have the clearest waters on Earth, not to mention the cleanest. While at the beaches one can enjoy jet skiing on the crystal clear waters in the blazing hot weather. After a long day at the beach, visitors can enjoy the toothsome and mouth watering traditional food during their stay in the Bahamas. It is said that food in Bahamas is never bland, especially entrees like Rock Lobster, is a favourite among visitors. One can enjoy the special soup Sousse as a great appetizer, containing oxtail and chicken. Read more: Dream vacations essay The Bahamas specialize in coconut based desserts such as coconut tarts, cakes, puddings, pies. custards and even special ice cream. These desserts are very popular amongst visitors and natives of the land. Lastly, one should voyage on this trip to the Bahamas alone. Having family along is no problem, but when one is alone they will meet new people, create new memories and make new friends. Going alone to the Bahamas would mean leaving ones stressful life behind and forget about the worries back home. The visitor would truly enjoy the experience of not having to worry about anyone but themselves on their trip. In conclusion, the world renown beaches, traditional food and opportunity to travel alone are just a few of the reasons why a trip to the Bahamas would be ideal. One would have to experience firsthand to uncover what else the Bahamas has in store for them.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Furniture Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Furniture Marketing - Case Study Example The owner, Martin Smith has designed a new product and is willing to launch it on 25th of March 2010. As the world is currently experiencing a recession, consideration will need to be paid to the price and dynamics of the product. This will be achieved by the marketing and strategy plan. Having experience for eight years in producing furniture, Mr. Martin has come up with the idea of producing a computer desk that can be used to study as well. What makes this product different from other computer desks in the market is the ability to adjust the size and adapt to the room size (Bennington, 2004). The product design is attractive and can be ordered in different colors. The non-adjustable part of the desk is 75cm (horizontal). There are extensions on either side of the desk that can be extended by 40cm. Its height is 72cm and the legs are metallic. Both sides of the desk have drawer space which can contain CDs, books or the PC case. The total weight will be 67.5Kg. The current UK legislation may have a negative impact due to increase in taxes. If taxes increase this increase may have to be passed down to the customer. Thus price of the product will increase. This will affect the business. Transport costs too would be affected. Because of credit crunch many students from different cultural backgrounds will be reluctant to register in universities. ... The cost of the desk is affordable to the majority Since there are some value added features in this product there is bound to be greater demand for this desk Weaknesses Since there are many similar products in the market there will be a stiff competition Since this is a new product the people would be reluctant to buy it Opportunities Since computers are used by the majority of the public at homes, offices, universities and colleges there is a greater demand for computer desks. Product placement strategy related opportunities. Company can place the product in well researched market segments like universities and colleges in London. It can make use of its manufacturing division and technical control division to enhance efficiency by reducing costs. Threats Market penetration pricing strategy adopted by rival furniture manufactures is a threat. Total Concept also has to adopt a similar strategy. The bigger rivals have a better supply chain advantage. They buy products at cheaper prices thus can afford to sell it at cheaper prices 3.2 PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is a strategic analysis method that is used to understand market growth and the business position potentials and directions. Political The current UK legislation may have a negative impact due to increase in taxes. If taxes increase this increase may have to be passed down to the customer. Thus price of the product will increase. This will affect the business. Transport costs too would be affected. Social Because of credit crunch many students from different cultural backgrounds will be reluctant to register in universities. This will have a negative effect on the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article and
Should be presented as a Journal opinion article and address an ECONOMICS issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers - Assignment Example This increase is a concern because of a number of reasons. Firstly, since they cannot get permanent jobs, part-timers are unable to access the stability and benefits accorded by fulltime jobs. Overall, unemployment declined sharply in the last 12 months – it fell from 7.2% in October last year to 5.8% the same time this year – but there are too many sections of the population that can only find temporary slots. More concerning is the fact that the number of part-time workers doing involuntary shifts is more than 50% higher than at the beginning of the recession (International Labor Organization 20). There was an identical increase in temporary workers in previous recessions, but it fell quickly. This time it is not dropping, making economists wonder what the outlook will be next year. In fact, during the recovery, some states have witnessed increases of people wallowing in part-time employment who want more. People working part-time are 5 times more likely to live in poverty compared to permanent workers. Currently, about 75% of part-time workers in the country either live in low income or poverty. This is according to government sources and industry experts. In addition, there is a strong positive correlation between unemployment and temporary work; part-time jobs do not often last long. Many temporary workers go through lengthy periods without work. About 30% of involuntary temporary workers are often out of work for more than 3 months or longer annually. According to the International Labor Organization (19), while they are always glad to be working, the reality is that part-time jobs, especially involuntary ones, are just â€Å"subtle unemployment.†For example, if someone works 20 hours each week but needs 40 hours to meet his needs, those unfulfilled hours (20) are spent out of work. The person is therefore half-employed or half-unemployed, depending on how optimistic someone
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Final Class Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Final Class Project - Case Study Example To add on this, it is through documentation that patient response is reflected. On the contrary, the current case lacks documentation from the patient nurse. Here, the nurse testifies that she only had handwritten notes. Furthermore, in her testimony, the nurse says that she did not document any vital signs during the 2 hours of being informed by the patient’s wife and the time the patient is pronounced dead (Guido, 2009). Evidently, the case lacks documentation and this is likely to affect the final outcome. 2. Was negligence there on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient? In the case under study, it is evident that the nursing staff showed negligence in the course of duty. The patient nurse is negligent due to failure to document information on the patient. In her evidence, she testifies that she did not have any documented records on vital signs between the time of being informed and the time the patient is pronounced dead (Guido, 2009). As such, it is c lear that no information was available on what went on during the 2 hour period. Additionally, the nurse failed to assess and monitor the patient’s situation after she informed the physician that the patient was bleeding. Given that the patient’s health status could change gradually or suddenly, it was vital for the patient nurse to keep monitoring the situation. On the other hand, the office nurse failed to act as a patient advocate. Here, it is evident that this nurse did not follow up the case to see if the surgeon responded after she informed him. More so, the nurse does not call to check the patient’s progress (Guido, 2009). She only passes the information to the surgeon and that’s it as far as she is concerned. Consequently, it is evident that the nursing department displays negligence while on duty. 3. How does the obvious contradiction in the testimony between the patient’s hospital nurse and the office nurse and the physician’s acco unt of what happened affect your decision in this case? From the case, there is obvious contradiction between the two nurses’ testimony and the physician’s account. This shows a failure to communicate accurately while on duty. There seems to have been lack of communication between the three and hence all are liable to being sentenced for negligence while on duty. Normally, different nursing departments ought to be in constant communication to find the best way possible of helping the patient. This is not the case here. The patient nurse does not keep in touch with the physician to update him on the patient’s situation. Whereas the patient nurse testifies of having informed the physician of the patient’s condition on time, it takes two hours before the physician responds (Guido, 2009). Essentially, the contradiction indicates failure to communicate by all parties involved. 4. What standards for documentation did the patient’s nurse breach? Standards for documentation in nursing entail provision of patient information for communication purposes. Nursing documentation, as a valuable tool, supports effective communication on the patient’s progress for providers. In this particular case, the patient nurse breached these standards. The nurse fails to document the patient’s progress (Guido, 2009). Furthermore, nurses are responsible for their own actions while on duty. As such, documentation forms part of the responsibility. On the contrary, lack of documentation in the case means that the patient’
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Visual analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Visual analysis - Assignment Example Figures that used to be fixed, large, often presented from the front, are at this time of light, becoming elongated proportions; they are often portrayed in the interaction. The style of this period is marked increase of scenic elements, colorful range of complication with the use of color blend. As the era of European history it is marked by numerous milestones - including the strengthening of economic and social liberties of the cities, spiritual revival that led eventually to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the Peasants War in Germany, the formation of absolute monarchy (the largest scale it had in France), the beginning of the Age of discoveries, the invention of European printing, the discovery of the heliocentric system in cosmology and etc. The art of that time had showing of the Byzantine trend where the refined ornamentality, subtle artistic language and deep religiosity, emotion, dogmatism, expression and philosophical depth are closely interweaved. LORENZO DI CREDI. MADONNA AND CHILD, XV century. The base for this picture was the iconography of "Madonna: Tenderness". In the picture Christ is drawn to Marys cheek, with his hands around her neck. She lowered her eyes, gently hugging her Son. The cordiality emanating from the divine figures, brings them closer to the viewer, giving him an opportunity to at least partially understand the Heavenly harmony. The trends of the High Renaissance are reflected in this picture: clarity, balance, perfect beauty of forms and tranquility of the spirit which spreads between the figures. All the colors are selected very painstakingly; they are bright but calm and charm the viewer. The di Credis picture is very similar to the work of Raphaels "Madonna of the Meadow". RAPHAEL. MADONNA OF THE MEADOW, 1506. In the composition of this picture we can feel the significant influence of the Michelangelos works. Pyramidal structure of the group of actors reminds the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. But with
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
What is your specific research interests in finance Scholarship Essay
What is your specific research interests in finance - Scholarship Essay Example My research interest in real estate financing stems from the challenges facing the real estate industryâ€â€high interest rates. Increased interest rates have negative impact on investors and buyers, who may be reluctant into making meaningful investment options. Often, some investors have to contend with high interest rates that reduce the ability to repay their mortgages with time. Despite this scenario, I am interested into finding factors that influence interest rates on real estate products. Equally important, I will focus on how this research will provide guidance to investors interested in avoiding burdens from mortgages. With this goal, I am confident being awarded scholarship in finance will enable me to learn the tools and concepts that will allow me to conduct this study. Without doubt, awarding me this scholarship will enable me deriver immense insight on financial trends in the real estate arena. Ultimately, I see myself graduating and providing significant solutions on how investors can take make sound investment, despite challenges high interest
Monday, September 23, 2019
Begay v. United States Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Begay v. United States - Case Study Example The main question in the case was to establish what kind of crimes fall under the category of violent crimes enumerated under the ACCA (1984). In this determination, the court had to establish whether reckless driving or driving while intoxicated as proscribed by the New Mexico’s DUI law could constitute a violent felony in the auspices of the ACCA (1984). In overall, the court had to establish the extent to which a commission of an act threatening the consequence of injury to another person can be treated as a violent crime under ACCA (1984). The Supreme Court under the guidance of Justices Roberts C.J., Stevens Kennedy, Ginsburg J.J. and Scalia J held that driving under the influence of alcohol is not a violent felony as envisioned in The Armed Career Criminal Act (1984). The court further held that the most significant question is not on how the defendant had engaged in previous crimes but on how the statute defines the crime of violent felony. The court was of the opinion that regardless of the risk of injury posed to another person or group of persons, the crime in itself is milder to the example of crimes covered under the ACCA. In arriving at the above decision, the Supreme Court justices considered a strict interpretation of the New Mexico’s Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offense in relation to the benchmarks provided for under the ACCA. The court was convinced that New Mexico’s DWI is not in the ordinary sense a violent felony when interpreted alongside the ACCA residual clause which only encompasses violent and active property crimes that are characteristic of violent criminals, which become more dangerous when committed with a firearm. Begay succeeded in his argument to convince the court that this definition excluded DWI felony as enumerated under the New Mexico Criminal Statute. The argument by Begay’s defense that a violent felony
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Research paper '' email habit of UCLAN staff and students'' Essay
Research paper '' email habit of UCLAN staff and students'' - Essay Example The study has analyzed the importance of email in the campus life. It has accessed of how frequently and for what purpose emailing assists teachers and students in the campus. Keywords Communication; information; technology; email; emailing habits; electronic mail. Research Aims & Objectives To uncover the literature highlighting the importance of electronic mails. To analyze and comprehend email as a tool of campus communication. To determine the patterns of the use of the electronic mail by UCLAN staff and students. To draw understanding of the importance of electronic mail. Literature Review Introduction & Background In the modern era, where technology (computers and internet) is at every door step, people want to remain connected. Being connected means the way of life of the modern digital world [1]. No matter those are working men, teachers or students everyone is found interacted and engaged in this post modern system. This is all due to the vibrant World Wide Web media which i ncarnates strongest integration with the removal of the gaps of communication [1]. Communication is to have each others’ guidance and support at the time during work or during leisure period. This requirement of communication is fulfilled through internet which has closed down the spaces of society, community and the people of the system [8]. Students which are part of the society and are in the fast track bring the best use of internet. They get integrated with peers and teachers using different connecting mediums on the internet and on the World Wide Web media [13]. For exchanging thoughts during leisure time social media is mostly popular in students, but when a formal approach is needed, emailing is the right way to get connected [13]. Adapting the email format comes out suitable and sufficient for both teachers and students, as this is the method majority of institutions and colleges apply [2]. Emailing effectively connects students and teachers. It connects students, te achers and peers and maintains the relationship of the groups during the college time and the off time status. This is how through emailing habits, use of computer is there among students and among the faculty staff members [3]. A communication circle is maintained and regulated by emailing and the emailing habits [2]. Theoretical Framework The contemporary literature highlights that the use of technology (computers) and internet is extensive in college and high school level [9]. There are considerations given to college students in understanding their behaviors and their routine habits. The researchers have pointed out that the majority of students are habitual in using internet where the use of social media is most vibrant and adaptive. In perceptions of faculty staff members, students use internet to communicate [9]. They use it to create a social circle with peers and also to acquire lectures and tutorials during their off campus times. The literature highlights two types of com munication patterns that emerge from students and faculty staff members. The patterns identified are casual in which students come across to communicate peers and formal in which students concisely communicate with teachers. The authors identify that most formal communications are based on emailing [5]. Such formal communications are frequent through regular emails. Students send emails to teachers to take off time support on class lectures and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ohms law Essay Example for Free
Ohms law Essay Predictions 1. The longer the wire, the more it will resist the flow of electrons 2. The wider the wire the less resistance it shall have. 3. Copper will be the wire which has the less resistance. 4. The different types of wire will have different levels of resistance. Accuracy I am intending to also get a reading for the length zero also using the crocodile clips and keeping the circuit identical. This shall be my control. I suspect that there will be resistance both in the circuit wires and in the multimeters. This will mean that the values obtained for resistance of the wire shall be slightly too high. By subtracting the resistance value of the circuit wire from the resistance calculations I will get a more accurate set of results. Also as I intend to draw a best fit line for my results, if all the points are slightly too high the gradient will be dramatically altered. The way in which the readings are being taken is designed so that the readings are random but in an orderly way so that I can spot any mistakes. Method Method used The method used was identical to that explained under the planning section, above. The results (i. e. readings on the multimeters), were taken down and put into tables. The results were as follows: Results For nickel chromium wire, SWG 30 Length (cm) Width (mm) Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) T3Length (cm) Width (mm) Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) For nickel chromium wire, SWG 22 Length (cm) Width (mm) Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) For copper wire, swg 30 Length (cm) Width (mm) Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) Try 1 Try 2 Try 3 Ave. Try 1 Try 2 Try 3 Ave. For constantan wire, swg 30 Length (cm) Width (mm). Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) For manganane wire, swg 30 Length (cm) Width (mm) Current Readings (Amps) Voltage Readings (Volts) Resistance values For Nickel Chromium Wire, SWG 30 Length (cm) Current (A) Voltage (V) Resistance (? )For Nickel Chromium Wire, SWG 28 Length (cm) Current (A) Voltage (V) Resistance (? ) For Nickel Chromium Wire, SWG 24 Length (cm) Current (A) Voltage (V)Resistance (? ) Patterns and trends It can be quite clearly seen in most of my results that when a graph of length and resistance are plotted the result is a straight line. In my case I have obtained a scatter graph with a very strong positive correlation. In graph 1 It can be seen that there are four straight lines passing through the origin. These straight lines are the values for Nickel Chromium at different gauges. The gauge values are as follows: Gauge Diameter (mm)Â graph two, it can seen that this is not a relationship of direct proportionality as the correlation doesnt point towards the origin. Also from graph one, it can be seen that the resistance increases as the length does. All these lines are straight and they all pass through the origin, so I think it is appropriate to conclude that Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the wire. Finally it can be seen from graph three that the resistance in different types of wire varies according to the type. Keeping the gauge constant this was tested and the results were as follows: Nickel Chromium is the most resistant, Manganane is the second most resistance, Constantan is third, And the least resistant is copper. All the evidence her proves that my results agree with my hypothesis. (c. f. section P). Evaluation Reliability The reliability of these results is quite good. This is because the procedure is relatively straight forward, and the numbers are not difficult to record. I think the results are certainly reliable enough to support both of my conclusions firmly. Anomalus results. There are a few anomalus results throughout the experiment. The resistance values in the table are not always increasing, and this is not always occurring at a steady rate. Good example of which are the readings for 40 and 50 cm on the copper wire. I think that this is just a mistake in taking down the results or possibly we didnt wait foe the voltmeter to stabilize. Experimental errors These could include many things, the most likely of which are a short circuit, The wire may have heated up causing less resistance, and the readings on the multimeters could have been inaccurate. Further work This could include finding a more varied set of results, testing more types of wires. It could also include taking more readings to get better averages. I would suggest using all the rest of the equipment in the same way. Also one could try to investigate temperature changes by using insulated wires and a tray of cold/warm or hot water. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Total Quality Management at Jaguar UK
Total Quality Management at Jaguar UK The desire to improve efficiency and productivity may be considered as the primary motivation for a company in transferring the manufacturing operations offshore. However, experiences of companies that decided to transfer manufacturing offshore reveal that transferring operations offshore could have negative implications to the business, hence could not guarantee efficiency and productivity improvements. Therefore for Jaguar, keeping the manufacturing operations in the UK may be considered more appropriate. It should be noted that the primary market of Jaguar cars is in the UK, whereby keeping manufacturing operations in the UK may be considered more efficient. Furthermore, other factors that were considered in proposing to retain the manufacturing operations the UK include the following: Firstly, the difference in the time zone in the manufacturing site and the distribution zone could affect effective coordination between manufacturing and sales. Secondly, differences in language co uld create barriers to effective coordination between manufacturing and other departments such as marketing, design, and sales among others. Thirdly, transferring manufacturing operations offshore could increase risks, as the initiative require significant investments primarily for building the manufacturing plant and in purchasing equipments. Finally, transferring manufacturing operations offshore could lead to recruitment and training issues, as the company would be required to recruit and train large number of personnel to man the operations in the new plant. Conversely, rather than transferring the operations offshore, the company may instead consider on adopting quality management tools and approaches to improve its efficiency and productivity. The succeeding outlines proposal for implementing quality management at Jaguar-UK. Furthermore, the proposal includes possible quality management tools and methods that the company may use to improve the business in the UK. Proposal for Implementing Total Quality Management at Jaguar-UK This proposal is presented to your office in an attempt to reverse the company managements decision to transfer the manufacturing operations of Jaguar cars in the UK offshore. Assumption is that transferring manufacturing operations offshore could affect the quality and services of the firm. Rather than transferring the manufacturing operations offshore, the company may instead focus on improving performance through Total Quality Management practices and approaches. As claimed by the Chartered Management Institute (2006), which is a distinguished professional accrediting organization in UK, the successful implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) can lead to improvements in the quality of products and services, reductions in the waste of resources, and overall increase in efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, as a result of improvements in product and services, firms may be able to develop competitive advantage and eventually increase market share (Chartered Management Institute, 2006). More importantly, implementing TQM also helps improve employee motivation, as TQM programs and practices enforce employee participation and empowerment (Chartered Management Institute, 2006). In view of the benefits claimed by the Chartered Management Institute, Jaguar could greatly benefit from introducing TQM in the organization. For organizations that seek to adopt TQM, the outline of activities provided by the Chartered Management Institute could provide valuable insights. Jaguar Cars could adopt the guidelines provided by the Chartered Management Institute. Accordingly, organizations that seek to implement TQM needs to: Firstly, establish a planning team or a steering committee, which would serve as the lead agent that would drive the organization through the changes. In establishing the steering committee, the organization has to ensure that all sectors of the organization are represented. Secondly, assess the need to change, whereby the organization needs to consider its competitive position and at the same time establish key customers and their respective needs. Thirdly, define the vision, whereby the organization needs to draft a vision statement pertaining to customer satisfaction and quality improvement. Next, describe the standard of service, whereby the organization needs to translate the vision in to measurable deliverables. Then, assess how the organization performs as compared to standards, which involves measuring current performance. Afterwards, conduct a review of the current level of wastage, which involves determining the wastage level in the organization. Next, calculate the current level of costs, which involves assessing the cost mechanism in the organization. After that, decide whether to seek accreditation from third party, which include deciding whether to adopt a quality management system. Subsequently, develop a quality strategy, which involves drafting quality goals and objectives based on the assessment of wastage level conducted previously. Next in line, establish an action plan for change, whereby the organization needs to focus on the organizational culture to be able to implement the changes seamlessly. Then, create education and training plans to introduce the organization to the concepts of TQM, including the basic principles, objectives, and benefits d erived from adopting the philosophy. Next, set priorities for the introduction of TQM focus on selecting priority processes for improvement. Finally, determine goals and criteria for success and this involves establishing measures for success. Using the framework provided by the Chartered Management Institute, Jaguars quest to adopting TQM begins with creating a TQM group or unit in the organization, with a TQM Champion to head the group. The TQM group would be responsible in overseeing all TQM-related activities and programs. Afterwards, the next activity is to conduct an internal assessment to determine areas for change or improvement. The next activity is to create a vision that would serve as the guide for all its quality improvement programs. Subsequently, Jaguar needs to establish standards that would serve as internal benchmarks. Afterwards, Jaguar needs to assess current condition with standards to determine gaps. After assessing current condition versus standards, Jaguar may now proceed to assessing levels of wastage and costs. Once Jaguar completed these activities, the company may now decide whether to seek third party accreditation as a way of strengthening its drive towards the adoption of TQM. Other activitie s involved in adopting TQM into the organization include establishing a quality strategy; developing an action plan for change; creating training plan for workers; and determining quality goals and objectives. After introducing TQM in the organization, the company may now implement TQM programs and practices, which could help improve specific systems and processes in the organization. The TQM programs and practices serve as tools in addressing specific problems and issues in the organization. Assumption is that Jaguar would not have difficulty in adopting TQM, as this concept has been widely adopted by manufacturing firms. The TQM concept was adopted by Japanese car manufacturers such as Toyota Motor Corporation, which is a recognized brand in the global car industry. Among the TQM-related concepts and practices introduced by Japanese car manufacturers is the 5S, which is a philosophy that focuses on the importance of good housekeeping, orderliness, standardization, and discipline in the workplace. Originally, 5S stands for five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. The English translations of the five words are as follows: sweep, systematize, sanitize, standardize, and self-discipline. Seiri refers to keeping the workplace clean by sorting and taking away unnecessary things and objects that could block movement and increase chances of errors or mistakes. With Seiri, workplaces are kept clean and tidy, thereby allowing workers to move freely, which could contribute to productivity improvement. An example of a practice related to Seiri in the workplace is keeping removing unwanted items or making the workplace clutter-free. It should be noted that a clutter-free workplace could create a more conducive work environment for the workers and in the process promote a positive work environment that fosters productivity. Seiton on the other hand, refers to keeping the workplace well organized and hence more systematic. With Seiton, everything is kept in proper places, hence reducing time spent for retrieving or getting required materials and items. For example, materials and tools are placed in a specific location; hence facilitate quick and efficient retrieval. Another example of a practice under Seiton is keeping frequently used materials and tools at hand, hence limit unnecessary movement that could affect productivity. Generally, Seiton minimizes waste of time relevant to unnecessary movements or actions that could negatively impact efficiency and productivity. Seiso in particular refers to keeping the workplace always clean by encouraging everybody to clean their respective areas. With Seiso all members of the organization take responsibility in keeping their areas clean by wiping dusts, throwing away wastes, and keeping the floors clean. Under Seiso, every member of the organization is encouraged to make it a practice to begin and end their workday with cleaning their workstations. Meanwhile, Seiketsu refers to standardizing clean-up, which includes defining standards through which workers must comply to. A vital initiative under Seiketsu is implementing visual standards to help maintain orderliness and at the same standardize the workplace. Examples of visual standards include color-coding and visual guides to help enforce compliance. Finally, Shitsuke refers to enforcing self-discipline or commitment to maintain and enforce the first four Ss. With Shitsuke, all members of the organization make it habit to keep the workplace clutter-free, organized, and clean, and at the same time comply with standards. The last S is important, as it determines the continuity of the first four Ss. The 5S framework is generally simple yet effective in improving productivity and efficiency in the workplace. In this regard, Jaguar may consider on adopting this simple practice as a means of minimizing wastes and at the same time improving performance. To successfully introduce 5S to the workers, Jaguar may consider on conducting 5S orientations to formally launch the program. All workers will be scheduled for a 5S orientation on a staggered basis in order to ensure the continuity of the production operations. Aside from 5S, another well-known TQM practice is the Six Sigma, which is also termed as TQM on steroids (Heuring, 2004). Six Sigma was first introduced by Motorola, a world-renowned high tech company (Heuring, 2004). The Six Sigma methodology follows this pattern: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (Heuring, 2004). Motorola and other large companies disclosed achieving huge savings from adopting Six Sigma into the organization. Motorola in particular revealed saving $16 billion over the last twelve years of implementing Six Sigma practices. Dow on the other hand, reported $1.6 billion in savings from adopting Six Sigma. Ford also disclosed saving $1 billion from adopting Six Sigma into the organization. From the experiences of the companies that reaped hugged savings from adopting Six Sigma, Jaguar may also be expected to achieve huge savings from adopting this particular quality management philosophy. Companies that intend to adopt Six Sigma starts by holding an executive summit, which is a two-day seminar that seeks to formally introduce the concept more particularly to the senior management and leaders of the organization. Motorola originally termed the executive summit as leadership jumpstart event (Heuring 2004). The executive summit is usually conducted or facilitated by consulting firms or professionals (i.e., black belts) that specialize in Six Sigma. More importantly, top management also has to express commitment to the initiative, as effective leadership is essential to the successful introduction of the concept to the organization. In addition, focusing more on encouraging workers to support the adoption of Six Sigma is also essential. In this regard, Jaguar may need on communicating the benefits of adopting Six Sigma as a way of motivating workers to participate and support the program. In closing, the decision to transfer manufacturing operations offshore may have some advantages, but there are also disadvantages to consider. In view of the disadvantages, proposal is to retain the manufacturing operations in the UK and instead adopt total quality management in the workplace to improve productivity and efficiency. Adopting TQM into the organization is expected to result to huge improvements and benefits. The decision to adopt TQM into the organization follows a certain process endorsed by a professional accrediting organization. Among the widely adopted TQM concepts and practices are the 5S, which originated from Japanese car manufacturers; and Six Sigma, which was developed by Motorola. Jaguar could expect to reap more benefits from adopting TQM.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Technology And Society Essay -- Society Technology Innovation Change
Technology and Society Historical evolution of technology and its impact on society In society today, technology plays an important role in people's lives and in businesses and organizations around the world. "Most technologies existing today were designed to expedite the way we manage, store, handle, analyze, and communicate information." It has evolved over many years and the beginning of it can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution where machines began to replace the manual labor of skilled workers. Since then, technology has brought about many changes that have affected businesses and people both in a positive and negative manner. However, getting employees and managers to accept it hasn't always been an easy task. "Even when employees think technology is a good idea, many don't take to it naturally." The reason that employees resist change with technology varies from employee to employee. Whether they are concerned about how foolish it can make them look, don't understand the need for it, or worried that it could be replacing them in the future, there's usually some sort of hesitance. Nonetheless, many accept and welcome the challenge because it can make many jobs and lives easier. The evolution of technology has provided for faster communication methods, has made storing data easier, and has made some jobs less complicated. Before the telephone was invented in the late 1800's by Alexander Graham Bell, communication over long distances could take considerable amounts of time. The process was usually very slow by way of a messenger or through the mail. There was not the ease of picking up a telephone, sending a... ... of a nuclear war. The creation of robotics has replaced many workers around the world therefore causing more people to look down upon it. Many have also been reluctant due to the fear of the unknown. "If employees don't understand the reason for change and they aren't involved in planning for it, they're going to resist it." With all its advantages and disadvantages one main question still remains, is technology good or evil? That's a topic that is always open for debate, however no one can argue that technology will continue to evolve and play a crucial role for many people and business organizations around the world.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Technology and the Rainforest :: essays research papers
With all the technological advancements, the rain forest has been greatly effected. Not only have the trees been cut down but also there have positive aspects to the technology concerning this precious resource. Peter White, a chief writer for National Geographic magazine once said, " The tropical rain forest may well be nature’s chief liberty of experience from which all of humanity can learn, not only how to do things but also what a vast variety of things may be possible"(24). We all can learn from this for, the rain forest is a key to our environment and with all the technology destroying it and barely replacing it we all should think about what is happening and what can be done to save it. With the great progression of technology through this century the rain forest has rapidly been destroyed. Being the home of nearly 50% of all species, the rain forest is a resource that should and must be saved. It is once thought that the tropical rain forest once spanned the great space of 1.5 billion hectares. But as the time goes on slowly that number diminishes. In the year 2000 it is theorized that there will only be 900 hectares left on this world (Palmer/4). Even though there is not any rain forest in the United states, the rain forest greatly effects us in ways not known to all. Many medicines are found in the rain forest and many of them treat common diseases. Malaria for example is a disease that has it’s treatment coming from quinine, taken form the cinchona tree in Peru. Also when you have surgery, d-tarbocuranine is greatly relied on as a muscle relaxer. It is made form curare, derived from an Amazonian liana (Palmer/23). This research shows that the m! edicinal aspect of the rain forest is definitely needed for the advancement of technology itself. Much of the new technology being made in the times that we are living in now, relies on the rain forest. The packaging in which all the new stereos and CD players are shipped, come from the trees. These trees are cut down into small pieces to make cardboard for the selfish needs of humanity (White 28). A massive amount of women have been on birth control and one of the major components of the pill is diosgenin. This is made from wild yams found in Mexico (Palmer 23). This draws the conclusion that the technology that we have now might not be as advanced with out the rain forest. But at the same time the technology that we are developing are having the adverse effect on the source of the advancement. Rain forest depletion is a real problem in the world
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Mernissi Essay -- English Literature Essays
Mernissi Mernissi makes the claim that "Any man who believes that a Muslim woman who fights for her dignity and right to citizenship excludes herself necessarily from the a man who misunderstands his own religious heritage, his own cultural identity" (Mernissi viii). She goes about supporting this claim by delving into the very detailed documentation of Islam history. She attributes misogyny in the past and present Muslim culture to the male elite. She gives many examples of how Muhammad and Islam have only supported equality of the sexes and also how the male elite used false hadiths and very narrow interpretations of the Koran and true hadiths for their purpose. She begins by describing how the male elite started running things right from the onset of Muhammad's death. When a successor to Muhammad was picked, it did not involve the people of the community at all or any women. It was done by a small group of followers which were very close to the prophet, a sort of elite group. This sort of leadership in Islam continued in the same manner as only the elite were involved. This helped preserve what they thought was essential and according to the interests of the participants the essentials varied. The fabrication of false hadiths by the male elite was probably the first and most popular way for them to protect their interests. The people governing knew how important it was to "seek legitimacy in and through the sacred text" (Mernissi 43). Mernissi talks about al-Bukhari, who methodically and systematically collected and verified true Hadiths. He was exiled from his native town because he refused to bring the knowledge of the Hadith to the governor of the town and have it corrupted. He knew that the invitation from the governor was made only for him to probably fabricate some Hadith which would benefit the politicians. Many did not follow al-Bukhari's example but allowed themselves to be bought for a price and fabricated Hadiths for the politicians. Even Companions of the Prophet fabricated Hadiths in order to promote their own personal views. In the case of the Hadith which states, "Those who entrust their affairs to a woman will never know prosperity", Mernissi argues that this Hadith was never uttered by the Prophet and probably made up for personal reasons of Abu Bakra, who claimed to have heard the Hadith spoken by the... ... as instructing them not to give any wealth to women, the foolish. This is quite obvious narrow interpretation of the text, which meant not to give your to any foolish person no matter the sex. Mernissi goes on to give other texts which are harder to reject the sexist attitude in them, but goes on to give the example of Muhammad and his life as the ideal Islam or Muslim way of life. She wraps up the book by saying that the Muslim man could not accept the change in the present time back in Muhammad's time and has not been able since then to let go of the past. She also started the book by describing how the Muslim nation has always fled to the past to escape change in the present and future. I agree with Mernissi when she says, "The image of `his women' will change when he feels the pressing need to root his future in a liberating memory" (Mernissi 195). Until Muslim men let go of their past, things will never change, unfortunately, for the women in that society. Mernissi got her point across really well in this book in a way which is simple for anybody to understand and I would like to know how the male elite handled and responded to this book when it came out.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Eyes of the Dragon Essay
The novel's title, The Eyes of the Dragon, holds great significance to the book. In the novel, King Roland, ruler of the city Delay, kills a dragon and promptly mounts It head on his bed room wall. King Reload's son, Thomas, discovers he can spy on his father using the dead dragon's eyes. By entering a secret room, next to King Reload's chambers, Thomas can look through two peep holes which align with the eyes of the dragon. Thomas has never received his father's attention. He is always overshadowed by his brother Peter.When Thomas discovers he can spend time with and watch his father, albeit without his father's knowing, Thomas Is greatly Intrigued. The title, The Eyes of the Dragon, is a symbol of how far Thomas Is willing to go to have any connection with his father. He is willing to spy and spend all his night in isolation Just to watch his father. The title and symbol also helps the reader understand how Thomas is damaged when he later sees his father murdered. 2. The Eyes of th e Dragon is one of the few fantasy novels written by Stephen King. The novel revolves around fantasy elements such as kings, wizards, and dragons.The novel also has a family genre as many of the conflicts revolve around disputes between sibling, Thomas and Peter. 3. The novel, The Eyes of the Dragon, is written in objective 3rd person. Stephen King is omniscient throughout the novel. He is able to tell the feelings of multiple characters throughout different chapters. In the novel, Stephen King consistently breaks away from the story, to provide his opinion on recent events in the story. When Thomas was first introduced to the story, Stephen King explained his unbiased reasoning on why readers may thing Thomas Is a villain, anti hero, or cacti. . The story takes place In the Kingdom of Delaine, a fictional kingdom, which resembles medieval folklore. Delaine is actually part of a much larger universe, In- Worlds, which contains many other of Stephen King's novels. The kingdom of Dela ine is similar to 15 century Europe. Due to this setting, the story lacks advanced technology that could have helped solve many problems. Peter, accused of killing his father, was sentenced to life Imprisonment based on 3 non eye-witness testimonies. Using modern day technology, the people of Delaine could have easily seen Peter was Innocent.Since Delaine Is a medieval realm, the town people are all caste inside of a feudal system. This affects the people's manner of living and shows how the common folk struggle in social hierarchy (farmers vs†¦ Noblemen). Throughout the story, the farmers are forced to put up with higher and higher taxes given by the noblemen. Due to Detail's fantasy setting, the kingdom has a rich history of dragons, wizards, wars, etc. Characters often reference these events later on. The setting Is extremely similar to medieval England.Characters have a scalar dialect and tend to use Old English words: such as, ‘twats' and its'. However, the dialect i s spells certain differently. Is are consistently replaced with yes. For example, wife' and Me'. Overall, the setting creates quite a calm atmosphere. The city of Delaine is functioning normally in the beginning. Townsfolk consistently state the city is too calm and problems are bound to come. After King Reload's murder, the atmosphere becomes dreary and bleak as the townspeople are under consistent oppression by the new king poisons King Roland and frames Peter the murder.This act put Peter in prison for life. This begins Pewter's struggle of escaping prison, proving his innocence, and lamming his kingship. This also begins Flags opposing quest to bring chaos and destruction to the peaceful Delaine. These characters consistently clash throughout the story creating the main, person vs†¦ Person, conflict. 6. There are many conflicts throughout the story. Unknown to Flag, when the wizards poisons the king, Thomas witnesses the event and later learns Peter, his older brother, is i nnocent. After Peter is Jailed, Thomas becomes King of Delaine.Thomas is faced with the internal conflict of testifying Peters innocence and freeing him or keeping the throne, his one rise to name. This person vs.. Self-conflict causes Thomas much anxiety throughout the story. Peter also have a person vs.. World conflict after he is Jailed. The entire town now thinks he is a murderer. He is forced to free himself from the prison by himself and then prove his innocence to the towns people. There is a separate plot in the story of Ben Stead's quest to free Peter. Ben Stead, Pewter's sole remaining friend, goes to great lengths to help free Peter.He must do so without the townspeople or noblemen finding out as they all believe Peter is murderer. Ben Stead also has a person vs†¦ Ate conflict as his family has a curse of bad luck and ‘unfortunate stars'. Ben must try to break his family's history and live a happy life. There is also a person vs†¦ Person conflict in the so cial hierarchy. The townsfolk are consistently arguing with the noblemen over issues like taxes. This escalates to the formation of a rebel army that intends to take over Delaine. 7. After a climactic battle between Flag, the evil wizard, and Peter, Flag is shot with an arrow in his eye.Mortally wounded, the wizard magically disappears before he can be apprehended. Since Flag is the source of has in Delaine, his disappearance leads to the removal of chaos. Without Flags interference, Peter is able to claim the kingdom of Delaine. He proceeds to lower taxes and solve disputes between the farmers and noblemen. Since Peter is now king, Ben breaks his family's history of bad luck. He is now the closest person the most powerful person in the kingdom. Since Peter is now free Thomas is relieved of the guilt of knowing Pewter's innocence. Part B 8.
John Deere and Complex Parts Inc Essay
Deere & Company headquarter in Moline, Illinois was founded in 1837.In 2007, they conducted business in over 110 countries and employed approximately 47,000 people worldwide. Their employment rate grew to over 67,000 individuals as shown in the Statistics, 2014. They are the world’s leading manufacturer of farm and forestry equipments and also produce construction, commercial and consumer equipments. Other products and services produced by Deere included; equipment financing, power system, special technologies and healthcare. In 2006 members of John Deere’s supplier evaluation team were discussing issues on a long time supplier, Complex Parts, performance. Over the past year, their service had declined resulting in an unfavorable and less profitable relationship between John Deere and Complex Parts and the supplier evaluation team was tasked with providing a recommended course of action to their project manager. Deere’s achieving excellence program (AEP), a supplier evaluation process that promotes communication, trust, cooperation, and continuous improvement, has served as a grading base for their suppliers. The AEP evaluates on a yearly bases, key parts on how a supplier is performing. It focuses on five key areas; quality, delivery, cost management, wavelength and technical support. The program classifies each supplier, from best to worst as either partner, key, approved or conditional. AEP effectively assesses the supplier’s commitment to its relationship with Deere in such areas as; enhancing communication, lowering cost and improving design. Complex Parts had been a supplier for John Deere for over ten years with annual sales to their Moline unit of approximately $ 3.5 million. Complex Parts’ responsibility was to manufacture a key part that required significant engineering input and testing and had remained John Deere’s only supplier of this part, even thou gh two other suppliers can also supply it. Complex Parts was a supplier who was actively involved and interested in increasing their sales with John Deere. They have always taken proactive measures in their dealings with John Deere, by participating in cost reduction strategies and staying up with Deere’s design changes and most importantly giving in to Deere’s Product Quality Plan. However, their delivery rating was extremely high at 155,000 and their Quality rating was 666. This was as a result of their failure to implement the Product Quality Plan at their newly opened facility. Lastly, for as willing as they were about employing cost reduction strategies, they failed to do so over the past year, resulting in untimely deliveries and delays. For Complex Parts to go forward to the project manager there are four courses of actions to be presented to Complex Parts. 1) Contract a new external supplier and hope that the research and analysis conducted would benefit John Deere with a good rating, 2) Utilize Complex Parts in combination with a second supplier, either external or internal, 3) Utilize an internal supplier alre ady on contract with John Deere, and 4) Continue to move forward with Complex Parts as their main supplier. Our team recommendation should be the fourth option, of keeping Complex Parts as a main supplier. However identifying a path forward that is more engaged on John Deere’s part. Identifying a team or a direct contact of upper management that will be responsible at John Deere as a liaison between the two parties. Creating a dashboard interface, or a decision support system, that ranks each aspect of their relationship on a green, yellow, and red scale could also help them identify risks before they become realized and give monthly feedback to both companies on their overall health. Some short-term and long-term implications of the recommendations are; The decade long relationship between Complex Parts and John Deere is a good indicator of past performance. Because the AEP fails to solicit and incorporate supplier feedback to their analysis, it’s difficult to assess what could be the driver of the recent downturn in performance and deliveries. It could be an issue that is short term and due to rectify its self in the coming quarter. Choosing to keep Complex Parts on contract, as a supplier for John Deere will offset any of the initial costs associated with looking for external suppliers or contracting even those internally. Long-term relationships will have lows and highs and its ideal that John Deere rides this low out. Due to the lack of communication between both parties, keeping up with Deere’s required specification changes, but was very concerned with their frequent inability to return phone calls to Complex Parts’ customer service group. An increasing number of deliveries had to be expedited over the past year, costing Deere in the process it’s difficult to predict the results of keeping Complex Parts on contract. Had the two retained a healthy level of communication John Deere could be made aware of any recent issues that Complex Parts is experiencing and perhaps due to their vast experience offer solutions that would increase the turn around of the imposed decline. There is a risk that communication alone will not prevent a future decrease in performance by Complex Parts and John Deere will ultimately lose additional profits. To both their benefit though, Complex Parts reputation and historical performance is a good indicator of future performance, instilling confidence for John Deere to press forward with their buyer and supplier relationship with Complex Part. Focus only on scoring a high rating on the AEP scale but not necessarily doing what is best for the supplier is not a good indicator for John Deere and Company. It is not only Complex Parts responsibility to make adjustments for John Deere. Deere and Company should also exploit what they could be doing to help the supplier. The AEP is an ideal way to analyze how a supplier is functioning but it would be beneficial to include an assessment of how or what Deere and Company could do to help suppliers, provide training to conditional suppliers in order for them to improve their process which will be beneficial to both Deere and this suppliers , and to avoid danger of losing business relationship for both parties. References Accounting Tools (2014) Accounting Tools. The Weighted Average Method. Retrieved on October 4, 2014 from: The Statistics Portal (2014) Statistical. John Deere’s Workforce 2002-2013. Retrieved on October 4, 2014 from: Wisner, J. D., Tan, K., & Leong, G. K. (2012). Principles of Supply Chain Management (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
In Rebecca Skloot’s novel The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks many ethical questions are raised regarding the practices used to collect and distribute Henrietta’s cells. These practices led to emotional challenges faced by each of Henrietta’s family members and close friends. These ethical issues combined with the struggles faced such as poverty, trust and the lack of education by the Lacks’ family contribute to the overall theme of the novel. Once Henrietta was diagnosed with cervical cancer, she was forced to undergo harsh radiation treatments in the hopes to battle the disease, which ultimately led to her demise.Her family and friends watched her suffer without any knowledge of her cells being taken or continuing to live after her body had departed. The Lacks family, including Henrietta, trusted the doctors at Hopkins and never thought to question anything tests they needed to run or surgeries they asked to preform. The family was also very uneducated. When told her mother’s cells were immortal and still living, Deborah as well as other Lacks began to think there were millions of Henriettas roaming the world.The question of ethics, which reoccurs throughout the novel, was that of whether the doctors at John Hopkins should have asked for permission before collecting Henrietta’s cells. Another question raised was whether the HeLa cells fame, should have been explained to the remaining Lacks’ and whether or not the family was entitled to a portion of the profits. When Slook came in touch with the family, she began to teach them about their mother and her cells; they were finally beginning to understand the nature of their mother’s cells. The theme that had the largest impact on my reading of the novel was that of ethics.The use of human cells without the knowledge of the patient is unethical especially when the education level and social class of that patient is used to the doctors advantage. There were s everal decisions made throughout the novel in which the family had no say, therefor they were made to the advantage of the decision maker. The initial sample taken from Henrietta’s tumor is one of many examples. Henrietta thought that she was simply going in to have her cancer removed, when in fact her cells were removed and currently are still thriving.The question of ethics did not come into play when the outcome benefited someone other than the patient. The nature in which Henrietta and her family were treated is very unethical. They were virtually left in the dark and the fame that Henrietta’s cells received was never shared with the family. There are many different views on people’s cells once they have been removed from the body. Whether or not I agree with these views would be enough for a paper itself. The novel written by Skloot gave Henrietta, her family, and her cells the proper place in history to which they deserve.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Children and Childhood in Somalia
Describe ‘some' significant aspects of your own childhood and show how these differ from the experiences of children growing up in other times and cultures. Within this essay, I aim to discuss aspects of my childhood of which I deem significant, and further compare these experiences, showing not only how they differ, but also the similarities, between childhood during the Victorian era in Britain, and a different culture, specifically the African country of Somalia. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNRC) states that all children, 17 and under, live a safe, happy and fulfilled childhood (Clark; 2010).Growing up in 1990's and 2000's Britain, the children of my era were fortunate enough to be under such protection. Somalia has no such government in charge since the 1990's, therefore is one of only two countries to have not signed this worldwide treaty, with the USA being the other, and I expect to find that my childhood varies vastly from those in Somalia, and also the children of the Victorian era who did not have such education guidelines as recent times do. Growing up, luxuries were handed to me constantly. Whether it was education, holidays, food or toys, I gratefully accepted them and didn't think twice.Education is free and compulsory to every child in England from the age of five until the age of seventeen. We also have the Early Years Foundation (EYFS), a series of structural learning, development and care for all children from birth to the age of five. All schools or registered early years providers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors must follow the EYFS (http://www. direct. gov. uk). The EYFS ensures several things; parents being kept up to date with their childs progress, the welfare and wellbeing of all children regardless off gender, ethnicity, disabilities etc. and the early years practicioners work with the parents very closely. The latter is interesting; in England, we have the luxury of parents being a ble to come to playschools and similar institutions to be with the children. This would be impossible in Somalia for many children. UNICEF research (2008, http://www. unicef. org) has indicated that around 1 in 14 women die due to pregnancy or pregnancy complications, leaving many children without a mother. Compare this to England and the maternal mortality rate (MMR) was approximately 11 in 100,000 between 2006 and 2008 (http://www. atient. co. uk). When children in Somalia get older, not all of them attend primary or secondary schools. The enrolment rate in Somalia for primary education is a mere 23% (UNICEF Somalia Statistics). During the Victorian era, things were extremely different to present day. Families had to pay for their children to go to schools, and with children working in factories and mines, or as chimneysweeps, many never attended school. A young school student growing up in the nineties would not have to work unlike those in the Victorian era.A personal experience of working for myself is that of a paper round at the age of 13. This was merely more money on top of pocket money, and supplied plenty of expenditure for that age. In the period preceding 1833, before the Factory Act took place, children of 13 and under would be working extremely long hours with little breaks. Only children from rich and middle class families attended school, and it wasn't until 1870, when the Elementary Education Act was introduced, that things began to take a turn towards how children today experience schol.This act saw the beginning of a stream of education bills aimed to help children get access to education. In 1880, school was mandatory for all children up until the age of 10, and in 1889 this limit was raised to 12. Families still had to pay for schooling at this point, until 1891 when the fee was abolished. Thankfully, this was the start of how all children would be provided with free education, a luxury that not all those in Somalia have.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Problem solving skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Problem solving skills - Essay Example The math trial is to be done by students who will be divided into two groups to promote team work among them. The maths trail will have four stops of 6 minutes each so that the pupils get to answer questions and do not have much time to lose concentration, (Ollerton, 2007). Questions to be asked would be: are all the chimes in the park of the same length? Do they make the same sound? How is the length of the chime and pitch of the tone related? They will be determining the period. One pupil will sit on the swing, the second will count the number of 10 back and forth swings and divide by ten. This is to be repeated using different distances. Does this affect period? Other swings with different lengths of chains are also to be tried with the same experiment to determine if the length of the chain affect period of the swing. The last questions will be counting the number of trees that are in the resting place, measuring and comparing their diameters too. The first stop will be at the chimes. Chimes are fascinating due to the beautiful musical motes they make. Some need to be stricken by a stick to make sounds. This exercise will help pupils in learning to explore and observe, (Morgan, 2006). The second stop would be at the slides. Slides usually provide a lot of fun to both adults and children. Some are usually steeper than others. The third stop will be at the swings. Swings provide a feeling of relaxing when playing on it. This will require pupils to help each other. Three will volunteer to dot is as others watch and help in observation. The last stop will be in a protected open field that has a few trees and shrubs. This will help pupils in developing observational skills, estimation, measuring and content knowledge, (Ollerton, 2007). In conclusion, math trials offer huge learning experiences at all ages easily. Math trials can be organized to address specific topics or just help the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Global economy - Essay Example These opportunities are found in major developing countries like India and China, where a large population results in excess of labor demand over supply; leading to comparatively cheap skilled and unskilled labor being available (Dominguez, pp. 5, 2005). At a superficial glance, when a multinational invests in a country overseas, the partnership seems beneficial. Both the parties seem to profit. The multinational company finds a new domain to practice business on, while the country involved benefits due to the creation of jobs in its economy as well as the expansion in the consumer market due to the addition of the MNC’s product. There is however, a more deep-rooted impact of this operation, which implies increased benefit for the MNC and less benefit for the developing country. The nation state, which allows the multinational to operate within its borders, seldom sees the profit from the company’s operations (Chen, pp. 136, 2003). Multinational company, upon earning th is profit, will whisk the profit out of the country to its own origin and home. Resultantly, even when million-dollar companies enter a developing country’s market, the million-dollar profit is not beneficial to the country itself in any way. If evaluated by the subjective eye, the situation can appear as if the MNC exploits the hosting country for its cheap labor and consumer market, while paying back only the bare minimum in the form of wages, while earning a massive profit as well as a beneficial expansion in operations. The operations of a multinational consist of combining the expertise (especially new technology) and the stock capital of the multinational with any opportunities the MNC may find in other countries in the form of cheap labor and other resources, leading to an increased output (Toyne, pp. 42, 2009). The result is often a substantial profit that the investors in the multinational divide amongst themselves and take home. While arguments both favor and oppose this distribution to solely the owners, the unbiased spectator has to admit that there is no legal ground upon which one can object to this distribution. The question that follows is that is there no way out of this redundant cycle for the developing countries? Will they continue to serve the multinationals with their cheap labor without ever seeing a reasonable share of the end profit? To answer this question, one has to evaluate the situation objectively. Since only the investors of a business are entitled to profits, the only way a nation state can fairly demand a share of the profit is by being one of the risk takers of the business. Investors in the MNC who belong to the hosting country share the profit of the company, and it is their decision whether to keep their share within the country, or to send it elsewhere (Nagle, pp. 104, 1998). If the nation state makes investment attractive for these stakeholders, they are tempted to keep the profits within the country to invest. Th is is often not the case in developing countries, where the government policies underestimate the importance of investment. In a country where the government policies promote investment using fiscal and monetary rewards, the country’s economy gains much more benefit through the operations of multinationals. Not only does investment from several sources increase, MNC operations in the country have a two-fold favorable impact
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Human Resources Management and Strategies Research Paper
Human Resources Management and Strategies - Research Paper Example Their strategy is focused on specification. They take order specifications from clients. In such a case, they are not in competition with the mass producers. This strategy requires innovation and time. However, two orders can be very different requiring different expertise. At our business level, the strategic management process includes activities that range from appraising the organizations' current mission and goals to strategic evaluation. Given the level of competition in the furniture market, they should state their goals more precisely reflecting the volatility of the market. This first step is for senior managers evaluating their position in relation to the current mission and goals. Environment analysis looks at the strengths and weaknesses the companies are facing. Use of SWOT analysis is very important. Competition is tight and a company should know its strong points, weak points, opportunities, and threats. Some of these are external and internal. Bench hill and sons strong points are its ability to be a cost leader and the threat is the raging competition in the market. Strategy formulation involves senior managers evaluating the interaction between strategic factors and working strategic choices that guider managers meet organizations goal s. Some strategies are formulated at the corporate, business and specific functional levels. Strategy implementation focuses on technique... In particular, it refers to activities that deal with leadership styles, the structure of organization, information and control systems and the management of human resources. Leadership is the most important and difficult part of the strategic implementation process. Strategy evaluation determines what extent the actual change and performance match desired change and performance.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Human Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Cloning - Essay Example In other words cloning is a field characterized by diverse implications and uncertain results. Although proponents of cloning have praised it for the ability to repairs the nervous system, cloning has been found to causes irreparable nervous injuries the moment it back fires meaning that, it may complicate the burden of disease it purports to resolve. As much as there are advantages of taking care of the nervous system injuries, due to the production of the same types of cells with no change in genome, incase of future attacks of pathogens on the cells the cells may not survive as is intended. Consequently this is not yet fully researched and using human beings as objects of laboratory tests is ethically wrong and against the code of scientific studies (Gurdon, & Colman, 61). Also cloning has been found to increase the risk of somatic cells mutations, which may even trigger the growth of malignant cells making the situation even worse. This may be caused by the side effects of medications used in and after the process of cloning. The process of cloning as it pertains to this issue has not yet been authenticated. In addition, the new homogenous cells have been found to be easily affected by diverse climatic changes and have less resistance to pathogens (Gurdon, & Colman, 103). New cells that are similar may not be able to fight pathological attacks in case of diverse environmental changes (Gurdon, & Colman, 42). Scientists on the hand are not sure of the implications of this kind of treatment on patients. Medication used during invalid and convalescing stages may cause cells mutations (Rifkin, 90). As much as cloning may be the only option to saving the life of a patient, the implications are worse because of implications. With cloning to repair nervous system injuries even the scientists can not predict for how long the cells will keep working. The viability of the process has enough flaws and needs to be investigated more and more and verified. If a conclusion is made that cloning will reverse the aging process and hence reduce the burden of disease, this will just be a speculation. The human cells are unique in there own way and cloning of somatic cells to reverse old age process and diseases may have adverse negative implications that may trigger some mutations. With the reversing of the aging process, there may
Monday, September 9, 2019
Political Science Middle Eastern Politics Essay
Political Science Middle Eastern Politics - Essay Example Whatever the reasons, the establishment of Israel infuriated the Palestinians who deemed the Jewish state as occupation of their homeland including that of their second most important place of worship, the Aqsa Mosque. The most revered place of Muslim worship is the Ka'aba in Saudi Arabia. The Palestinians and Arabs felt that it was a total injustice to ignore the rights of the majority of the population of Palestine. The Arab League and Palestinian institutions rejected the UN partition plan supported by the United States, and formed volunteer armies that infiltrated into Palestine beginning in December of 1947. Thus the formation of Israel in 1948, laid the foundations of a conflict which took the lives of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis but even more devastating was the diaspora of Palestinians who took refuge in neighboring Arab countries fleeing the conflict and the associated socio-economic problems. While Israel was recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign state with rights to self-determination, the Palestinians remained a tribe without any rights. "The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a persistent source of tension for decades, for example, but it has taken on new dimensions in the aftermath of the failed Oslo process and the recent explosion of violence that shows no signs of abating." (Bensahel et al, 2003) In fact, no sooner was the Jewish state announced that the region was engulfed in a war: as the British left Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian began to invade the newly declared country. An armistice was soon reached with the mediation of the UN, but as the dust settled, Israel had conquered double the land it was originally allowed under the UN Partition Plan. In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed under the leadership of hardliner Yasser Arafat with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter called for the liquidation of Israel. Three years later, Israel conquered the West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. UN Resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal. This was followed sooner by the Yom Kippur war involving the Egyptians, Syrians and Israel. The signing of a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1979 ushered in an era of relative peace . But three years into this era, Israel attacked neighboring Lebanon and conquered most of its land in pursuit of wiping out PLO fighters. In 1993, the Oslo Declaration signed by Israel and the PLO called for mutual recognition. Two years later, the Palestine Authority was established. In 2005, Israel evacuated Gaza and parts of West Bank occupied in 1949. In the wake of the September 11 attack, Israel and Palestine Authority reached a peace accord but it was never implemented. The Arab countries as well as the former Soviet Bloc, the Non-Aligned
Sunday, September 8, 2019
A Critical Analysis of the Government Strategies for Attracting Dissertation
A Critical Analysis of the Government Strategies for Attracting Foreign Direct investment in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example FDI potential is measured by comparing the country’s FDI levels to its economic size. In this regard, Saudi Arabia ranked 138th out of 140 countries in terms of its FDI potential (UNCTAD, 2004). Closing the gap between FDI potential and actual FDI performance is very important to Saudi Arabia because under the leadership of King Abdullah, Saudi Arabian officials have made a commitment to attracting FDI to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s economic plans include the construction of large cities and the enhancement of Saudi Arabia’s global competitiveness. These economic strategies necessitate attracting FDI and foreign partnerships (Blanchard, 2009). In its efforts to liberalise FDI entrants Saudi Arabia repealed its previous investment law and replaced it with the Foreign Investment Law 2000. The new law created a new licensing authority for facilitating the processing and approval of FDIs: Saudi Arabia General Investment Authority (SAGIA) (Foreign Investment Law, 200 0). The idea is to make FDI entry easier and to reduce the time involved in establishing FDIs in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, corporate taxes were reduced from 45% to 30% (Hussein, 2009). This research study analyses the regulatory and policy strategies employed by Saudi Arabia to attract FDI inflows and to minimize FDI outflows with a view to identifying the extent to which these strategies are successful and can be improved to close the gap between FDI performance and FDI potential. ... usion 32 Recommendations 32 Conclusion 35 Bibliography 42 Chapter One Introduction to the Study Research Aims/Objectives Saudi Arabia’s new Foreign Investment Law 2000 is a liberalized approach for attracting FDIs. The new 2000 law is arguably a major improvement over its previous investment law. For instance, unlike the previous law, the 2000 law permits foreigners to own property and projects (Foreign Investment Law, 2000). With the creation of SAGIA, FDIs are processed faster and entrants have greater certainty relative to the FDI criteria for. Moreover, together with the European Union (EU), the US, China, Japan, South Africa and Brazil, Saudi Arabia is among the G20 leaders and has demonstrated a commitment to efficiently and effectively regulating its financial markets (Eichengreen & Baldwin, 2008). In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s regulation of its financial markets is among the region’s most advanced. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia’s regulatory frame work contains a number of restrictions that have the potential to negatively influence FDI performance in Saudi Arabia (International Monetary Fund, 2006). The restrictions on FDIs reveal that although, FDI inflows are remarkable, they can be improved. The aims of this research are therefore to: Identify and analyse Saudi Arabia’s FDI regulatory framework with an emphasis on the Investment Law 2000. To identify and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Saudi Arabia’s FDI regulatory framework. To determine why Saudi Arabia’s FDI performance is not commensurate with its FDI potential. To identify how and why Saudi Arabia’s FDI regulatory framework facilitates the gap between its FDI performance and its FDI potential. To identify Saudi Arabia’s FDI performance trends and its FDI potential. To
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Essay on Asymmetric Threat and Differences between International and
On Asymmetric Threat and Differences between International and Domestic Terrorism - Essay Example This form of intimidated has caused the nation to suffer economically as the security of the citizens is compromised while working thus affecting productivity. Terrorism is among the asymmetrical risks affecting the United States. The term asymmetrical threat refers to a threat where the group causing the terror is widely spread and operates within a shadowy network. The group is difficult to identify as it is camouflaged within the citizens living in the country. The organized groups are at times well funded and possess technology and weapons that are used to cause terror within the country. In simpler terms, asymmetric treats can be used to refer the technique of warfare that is not fair. The term fair in war can be used to refer to the use of surprise or unconventional weapon during the war. Asymmetric treat is successful mainly due to the use of the attacker’s strength to exploit the opponent’s weakness. Politics plays a significant part in the nature of terrorism w ithin a country. The United States have been attacked by many threats from Muslim nations. The world trade center came under attack from a Pakistani decedent in 1993 called Ramzi Yousef. The group parked an explosive filled rental van in the packing lot of tower one. His idea was to collapse the tower onto the second tower using urea nitrate. The bomb did a lot of destruction but did not collapse according to Ramzi’s plan (Post, Ruby & Shaw, 2002). The paper will evaluate some of the asymmetric threats in the history of the US and the cause of action taken by the government to counter these asymmetric threats. The government can act through legislative and executive means. This means that the legislative arm of government can create new law or the executive can make laws responding to the treat. One of the significant asymmetrical threats suffered by the US in the resent past includes the September Eleventh bombing of the trade towers. The threats become eminent due to the influence of the US on foreign Muslim nation and the war against terrorism. Prior to the bombing, a series of bombing aimed towards the US and its allies had been witnessed with bombing in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, claiming a total of 19 US casualties and a significant number of the nations citizens (Post, Ruby & Shaw, 2002). The organization responsible for this attack and the threat was the Al-Qaeda group headed by Osama Bin Laden. On September 11, the group hijacked four passenger airliners and attacked America’s trade center which doubled as a symbol of the nation’s economic and military strength. The air strike resulted to the destruction of the buildings and the killing of 2,726 people on American soil. The action taken by the legislature was aimed at ensuring that such an attack did not take place again and capturing the mastermind of the attack. The public law 107-40 was among the law passed giving the president the power to use force necessary to elim inate any organization responsible. Laws governing judicial detentions were amended to allow secret detention. The department of homeland security was created during this period. The USA patriotic Act allowed the USA government to interdict terrorist and also a criminal statute against those harboring terrorists (Monaghan, 2000). The post World War II world raised increasing concerns regarding the communism threat. Those accused of communism and involvement with the
Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Example for Free
Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Arthur Boyd and Oodgeroo, formally known as Kath Walker, both effectively depict their own view of Australia through the painting â€Å"The Mining Town†and the poem â€Å"The Time Is Running Out. †They each present slightly differing interpretations of the country based upon their altered perspectives and context. Arthur Boyd presents a vivid and vibrant life of an Australian mining town of 1920 through his painting while Kath Walker aggressively portrays an outraged view of what Australia has become violently outlining the damages caused by European settlement. In Kath Walkers poem â€Å"time is running out†she uses a passionate and forceful tone allowing it to illustrate an Aboriginal perspective of the mining town, which effectively portrays her view of Australia. â€Å"The miner rapes the heart of the earth†the use of the word â€Å"rape,†describes a traumatic and violent action. Kath Walker uses this aggressive quote to start her poem essentially stating the miners are ruining the natural part of Australia. She then proceeds to say â€Å" With this violent spade†meaning the spade the miners are using is killing the earth. â€Å" Stealing, bolting her black blood. †The use of a metaphor in this quote depicts the miner taking the black coal from the earth. She then personifies the earth to exemplify that the Europeans are destroying the natural beauty of Australia â€Å"for the sake of the greedy trade. †Kath Walker demonstrates her disappointment throughout the poem in the European culture of Australia and is horrified by what the country has become. She effectively conveys her view of Australia. In the second part of Kath Walkers poem she proceeds to use a patriotic and again a violent tone to portray her view of Australia. She challenges upon all Aborigines to take a stand against the violent nature on the earth caused by the foreigners. The repetition of â€Å"violence†â€Å"he knows violence†â€Å"will be violently written†â€Å"make the violent miner feel†exaggerates her perspective of Australia by portraying Australia as a terrible violent country. Throughout her poem she over exaggerates the terrible wok of the miners and at the end of her poem she hypocritically gives a violent message of retaliation against the miners â€Å"to defend their timeless land. †â€Å"Come gentle black man†she creatively changes the audience’s state of mind by showing that the aborigines are the victims and are innocent. Kath allows the audience to feel her frustration with the use of her aggressive tone and adjectives essentially providing the audience with not only Kath’s view of Australia but also the whole Aboriginal community. It is because of Kaths poetic devices and techniques which allows her to present her perspective of Australia from an Aboriginal point of view. Her aggressive and serious tone, shows her passion and love for the nature of the country. She also spreads a message of violence of retaliation and revenge on the European miners who are destroying nature in Australia all for â€Å"the filthy dollar. †Therefore I think that the poem most effectively conveys a view of Australia rather than the photo.
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